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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision spending $500 million on Destiny

Fusioncode said:
irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


What's confusing.  This is F2P is it not?  I don't recal hearing there is a monthly subscription for this game.

Pretty sure it's just a normal $60 game. I haven't heard anything about a subscription or F2P model. 

Guild Wars 2 was $60

Star Wars The Old Republic was $60

They are both free to play mmo's.  How is Destiny any different?  It costs $60 and is F2P, and it is an MMO is it not?

Isn't that the whole appeal of this game, its the first MMO FPS game.  Or first big one.

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irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


What's confusing.  This is F2P is it not?  I don't recal hearing there is a monthly subscription for this game.

Pretty sure it's just a normal $60 game. I haven't heard anything about a subscription or F2P model. 

Guild Wars 2 was $60

Star Wars The Old Republic was $60

They are both free to play mmo's.  How is Destiny any different?  It costs $60 and is F2P, and it is an MMO is it not?

Isn't that the whole appeal of this game, its the first MMO FPS game.  Or first big one.

Bungie has yet to classify it as an MMO so I don't if it's the right comparison. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:
irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


What's confusing.  This is F2P is it not?  I don't recal hearing there is a monthly subscription for this game.

Pretty sure it's just a normal $60 game. I haven't heard anything about a subscription or F2P model. 

Guild Wars 2 was $60

Star Wars The Old Republic was $60

They are both free to play mmo's.  How is Destiny any different?  It costs $60 and is F2P, and it is an MMO is it not?

Isn't that the whole appeal of this game, its the first MMO FPS game.  Or first big one.

Bungie has yet to classify it as an MMO so I don't if it's the right comparison. 

That's just them not wanting to call it an MMO cause it might scare people away who think MMO's suck or ruin lives or ect.

It is 100% online, supporst hundreds or more people on a server.  Sounds like an MMO to me.

MMO is not a genre any more than saying single player is a genre.  Call of duty is a single player game with multiplayer.  Destiny is for all I can see 100% an MMO.

Publishers do this all the time. They try and create some new genre.  You hear it a million times when MMO's are involved.  Everyone always tries to paint some picture that siad game is 100% different than every MMO in the world and its its new genre.  When the game comes out though everyone in the world who plays said game can 100% agree its just another MMO.  

tbone51 said:
vivster said:

Because we all know the only revenue stream a game can have is its initial sales price. DLC, microtransactions and other marketing and licensing deals are nonexistent.

Ummm... Ok? I said not including DLC, add $10 to each game sold ($37) which is a huge estimate cuz not ever game sold will make money on dlc/etc, they still need to sell alot. About 14mil copies to break even, including DLC, so doubling maybe cuz it'll need to sell 28mil+ (this includes dlc), but tripling? No chance at all. They wont make that much. Just look at the math

DLC does better than you think and it'll be way more than $10. There's also going to be millions of people who opt for digital version. 

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J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.

Its not a free to play game, and microtransactions could mean anything (could be for cosmetic items for all we know). Most MMO's have microtransations; WoW, SWTOR, Guild Wars etc.

Back on topic, they're set on making it a big franchise. $500mil might sound like a insane amount for the game+marketing, but I think it will pay off in the long run for Activision.

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What do you g8uys think, who will buy Activision? Or will it be split up like THQ?

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walsufnir said:
For a generic shooter with close to no new ideas? 500 million? Really? jk
Well, it better sells well on all systems because only with PS4 this won't turn out profitable.

Seems like the most innovative shooter of the year, until Advanced Warfare comes out.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Crash and burn! Crash and burn!

Yeah Activision must not plan to recoup this for a good 3 years. it'd be ridiculous to think otherwise. It'll take that long to be as big as CoD, if it ever gets there. You don't just produce the next 20 million seller franchise out of nowhere, there must be groundwork laid.

I don't know if it will be as successful as they're hoping, though...

Lets not forget that Activision made Skylanders a 2 billion dollar franchise.. sure a lot comes from the toy sales but Activision does a great job marketing them and to convince people to buy them.


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)