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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The WiiU is having a lot of trouble lately, what can nintendo do to turn things around?

I honestly can't say anything about this question, I'm so confused. I don't really know what the hell is going on at Nintendo headquarters.

I just need an answer from Satoru Iwata to the following question: Why did you have to prematurely kill Wii? Why the imperious need to rush to market this clearly unfinished and poorly thought out machine?

I always thought that Wii U was the answer to the ridiculous complaints made by video game industry. If Nintendo wanted their support, they needed to release a Wii HD. But now it is clear that I was wrong because Wii U has been rejected from the very beginning. Wii U is not even getting current multiplatform releases, because I would understand if next-gen developments skipped Wii U, but current ones too?

Absolutely no one has given this new system a chance (I've never seen anything remotely like this), not even Nintendo themselves. I truly feel sorry for Nintendo fans who bought this machine, they deserve a much better treatment.

I apologize in advance for my bad english.

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cbarroso09 said:
bananaking21 said:

The WiiU is going through a lot of trouble lately, its not selling well, at all for that matter. and things dont seem to be getting better in the near future. recently a lot of high profile games seem to not be releasing on the WiiU. with battlefield 4 being the latest big game to skip the WiiU, alongside other big games like Destiny and GTA5 that up until now, have no confirmation what so ever of a WiiU release. so things are actually getting worse for the WiiU

while people may not agree on what are the reasons for this, the suggestions are many; high price point, lack of games, lack of big first party games, lack of 3rd party support, the game pad, the casual crowd moved on, marketing, customer confusion, underpowered hardware and there are many other suggestions on why the WiiU is perfoming badly.

you talk like you have prove of everything you say.

HIgh price point: the system cost the same as PS3 and xbox360 and it has more features than those. If you say PS4 and 720 cost the same, then yes it has a high price point, until then you can't say that.

the gamedad: it is the best controller ever made, it does everything it has to do, and things you can't imagine. You don't have a Wii U, so you can't state that. PS4 and 720 are already following their steps, simply as that. You are going to see developers supporting those systems because they are fanboys.

underpowered hardware: Wii U is topping those 7 years old systems since launch, it can't do better yet beacuse the ports are based on those systems architecture, much more different from Wii U, PS4 and 720 (those 3 next gen are based on GPGPU architecture). Why don't you recall Need4Speed Wii U version, the best looking one, and performance wise not even a noticeable framerate drop (i can't say it doesn't have it because i don't ahve super eyes). Lego City: Undercover looks amazing, nothing others can do. It has their issues but we all know TT games are not "the developers". Why don't you wait until a first party title, to see what happen? jumping conclusion so ealry.

have you seen Nintendo doing something to turn things around? no, why?; I don't know. I would like to know but this is suspecious. There is no way a stubborn company like Nintendo, more than 100 years old, will give up so easily being the best developer in the last 30 years or so. 

Rockstar is the only developer I am concerning with respect to supporting the Wii U. EA is a liar. Richitello stretched Iwata and Reggie last E3 saying: "imagine playing Maden on the gamepad", "imagine playing Battlefield 4 on the new console with more power". Yes, check that out and you will see, EA is not worth as a developer, they don't care about anybody nor they do a good job with the likes of Sim City. But people still support them, specially other console gamers.

All things you say here are wrong, all of that is just becaue you haven't experienced Wii U completly, like most of the people saying the WIi U is garbage.

please read my post again carefully and notice that i did not say what i think was wrong with the system. i did say those are the suggestions that others have said about the WiiU and not my personal opinion. i simply listed those as examples of what people have said is hurting the system sales.

Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

i honestly wanted a discussion that focus more on the strategies nintendo should take, so i was hoping for a more bussines oriented thread. though no problems did accure in the thread and everybody seems sensible, i know we been getting a lot of WiiU threads, but i was more interested in seeing what they might do and talk about it. for example should they do like the same they did with the 3DS and keep their essential strategy? or should they change their focus?

These threads need to stop.

One can write such a thread after Nintendo have spoken and outlined what they are bringing for their next fiscal year - April 24th would be that date. Please be patient.

bananaking21 said:
Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

i honestly wanted a discussion that focus more on the strategies nintendo should take, so i was hoping for a more bussines oriented thread. though no problems did accure in the thread and everybody seems sensible, i know we been getting a lot of WiiU threads, but i was more interested in seeing what they might do and talk about it. for example should they do like the same they did with the 3DS and keep their essential strategy? or should they change their focus?

Change their focus?  They don't have that luxury.  They're a company that makes software that runs on their hardware.  There isn't anything else for them to do other than to continue making games that run on their hardware.  That's all they do.  It's not like they're Microsoft or Sony where they have the last resort option of dumping their game division if they can't make money from it.   It's their only purpose and their only division. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Around the Network
Screamapillar said:
bananaking21 said:
Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

i honestly wanted a discussion that focus more on the strategies nintendo should take, so i was hoping for a more bussines oriented thread. though no problems did accure in the thread and everybody seems sensible, i know we been getting a lot of WiiU threads, but i was more interested in seeing what they might do and talk about it. for example should they do like the same they did with the 3DS and keep their essential strategy? or should they change their focus?

Change their focus?  They don't have that luxury.  They're a company that makes software that runs on their hardware.  There isn't anything else for them to do other than to continue making games that run on their hardware.  That's all they do.  It's not like they're Microsoft or Sony where they have the last resort option of dumping their game division if they can't make money from it.   It's their only purpose and their only division. 

bu changin their focus i mostly meant changing their target audience. Nintendo did say they wanted to sell to everybody, the casuals, the core, the family, the kids, pretty much everybody. should they change that goal? should they try focus on a single audience, sell to them to get the WiiU in a good sales position, then try to expand their target audience?

bananaking21 said:
Screamapillar said:
bananaking21 said:
Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

i honestly wanted a discussion that focus more on the strategies nintendo should take, so i was hoping for a more bussines oriented thread. though no problems did accure in the thread and everybody seems sensible, i know we been getting a lot of WiiU threads, but i was more interested in seeing what they might do and talk about it. for example should they do like the same they did with the 3DS and keep their essential strategy? or should they change their focus?

Change their focus?  They don't have that luxury.  They're a company that makes software that runs on their hardware.  There isn't anything else for them to do other than to continue making games that run on their hardware.  That's all they do.  It's not like they're Microsoft or Sony where they have the last resort option of dumping their game division if they can't make money from it.   It's their only purpose and their only division. 

bu changin their focus i mostly meant changing their target audience. Nintendo did say they wanted to sell to everybody, the casuals, the core, the family, the kids, pretty much everybody. should they change that goal? should they try focus on a single audience, sell to them to get the WiiU in a good sales position, then try to expand their target audience?

Well that's what they're doing.  Iwata even states in investor Q&A's that their approach at first is targeting Nintendo fans to build up the install base and then when the system has a solid base they begin expanding the audience for medium and late-term adopters.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

curl-6 said:
Suke said:
Simple, better marketing. I sort of notice something, Sony show more updates on their progress on Playstation compare to Nintendo. Nintendo rarely post a video on their youtube and that video usually end up being filler.

Nintendo Market plan sucks, they don't keep consumers up to date with their progress. Their like bears in hibernation and only come out when big events take place like E3.

Nintendo need to break that habit and show their face more.


Nintendo's secrecy is destroying them. People aren't excited by their upcoming games because we don't know when they're coming, and we're lucky if we get a snippet of new footage every few months. 

Oh, they'll post a bunch of LEGO City clips, but Bayonetta 2? Yarn Yoshi? X? Heck, even Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 barely see any new footage.

Show us the goddamn games already.

Imo they're are showing progress with the 3DS, so it doesn't really make sense they are not doing it with WiiU. The only logical explenation is that rumors were true and Nintendo was very late in providing up to date SDKs to delevolpers, this can explain why they don't want to show anything yet.

cbarroso09 said:

HIgh price point: the system cost the same as PS3 and xbox360 and it has more features than those. If you say PS4 and 720 cost the same, then yes it has a high price point, until then you can't say that.

It might be different where you live, but in the UK it is more expensive than the ps3 and 360. On Amazon the cheapest new WiiU is £200, the cheapest PS3 is £150 and cheapest 360 is £125.

Given that the power of the consoles is roughly the same, I'd hazard a guess that the gamepad is inflating the WiiU's price somewhat. Despite what features it adds, it is the most expensive console over here.

For the record I do like the controller, but I think it was a bad idea to include it as standard. It inflated the price and made the console harder to market.

bananaking21 said:
Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

i honestly wanted a discussion that focus more on the strategies nintendo should take, so i was hoping for a more bussines oriented thread. though no problems did accure in the thread and everybody seems sensible, i know we been getting a lot of WiiU threads, but i was more interested in seeing what they might do and talk about it. for example should they do like the same they did with the 3DS and keep their essential strategy? or should they change their focus?

I give it to you: this thread actually has good discussion. So this should be the official WiiU-doom-thread.

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