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curl-6 said:
Suke said:
Simple, better marketing. I sort of notice something, Sony show more updates on their progress on Playstation compare to Nintendo. Nintendo rarely post a video on their youtube and that video usually end up being filler.

Nintendo Market plan sucks, they don't keep consumers up to date with their progress. Their like bears in hibernation and only come out when big events take place like E3.

Nintendo need to break that habit and show their face more.


Nintendo's secrecy is destroying them. People aren't excited by their upcoming games because we don't know when they're coming, and we're lucky if we get a snippet of new footage every few months. 

Oh, they'll post a bunch of LEGO City clips, but Bayonetta 2? Yarn Yoshi? X? Heck, even Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 barely see any new footage.

Show us the goddamn games already.

Imo they're are showing progress with the 3DS, so it doesn't really make sense they are not doing it with WiiU. The only logical explenation is that rumors were true and Nintendo was very late in providing up to date SDKs to delevolpers, this can explain why they don't want to show anything yet.