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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The WiiU is having a lot of trouble lately, what can nintendo do to turn things around?

Nintendo is doing what they can wich is developing new games.

The internet is impatient and likes to overeact, but once the new systems are out they will see the same thing happening, but at that point they will blame the casuals for not upgrading, and not the hardware developers.

Games are needed, once those come out, hardcore and casual will get the system. I know parents are already aware of the Wii U because of the direct marketing campaigns Nintendo uses, but the price is still too high and the games that the kids will want are still not out (only SMB U).

Believe me, next gen is nowhere near a certain thing, alot is still gonna happen and this first year will be mostly irrelevant besides the advantage that Nintendo is getting for having their system out already.

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BossPuma said:
Wright said:
In my opinion, they should bring back the Love Hotels they used to had, make profit with them and whatever WiiU's can sell to this point, and destinate resources to a new machine.

If they already ditched the WiiU and its instalbase of 4 million. It would no doubt piss alot of people off, including myself. I think that would actually hurt them more than help. I dont think that a new machine is neccissary, it only needs games and advertisement.

Not if they repay somehow the damage done to those 4 million of users. Better now than when they're at 10-15-20 million of users, don't you think?
It's like 3DS. Those who bought it first day, then received a great gif (+15 games) when the 3DS got its pricecut. They could do something alike, but now that there's still time. That's my opinion, though.

Rogerioandrade said:
Screamapillar said:
Mr Khan said:
Do we really need another thread talking about this?

No, no we do not.  It seems like there are more of these threads every day

At least we can find some polite conversation here. On all those threads we just found fanboy wars.

Forum users on a video game sales site are not representative of the overall opinion of the addressable market Nintendo has with the Wii U.  We are probably less than .01% of the people who may or may not ever buy the Wii U. 

Like @Nem says in another post, Nintendo is doing what they can to improve the situation, which is getting new games out, as well as improving system function for people who already own a Wii U so they can have a more positive experience and recommend the console to others. 

The internet (people like us) are impatient and we like to overreact.  Many of us are alarmists, and most of us don't even have proper context or sufficient evidence or knowledge of what we're talking about to even make such alarmist claims.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Wright said:
BossPuma said:
Wright said:
In my opinion, they should bring back the Love Hotels they used to had, make profit with them and whatever WiiU's can sell to this point, and destinate resources to a new machine.

If they already ditched the WiiU and its instalbase of 4 million. It would no doubt piss alot of people off, including myself. I think that would actually hurt them more than help. I dont think that a new machine is neccissary, it only needs games and advertisement.

Not if they repay somehow the damage done to those 4 million of users. Better now than when they're at 10-15-20 million of users, don't you think?
It's like 3DS. Those who bought it first day, then received a great gif (+15 games) when the 3DS got its pricecut. They could do something alike, but now that there's still time. That's my opinion, though.

They would lose a lot of respect from me though. I dont even know why they would ditch the WiiU when they are completely capable of supporting their system. Im fine with a pricecut, but i doubt they would get rid of the WiiU

Wright said:
BossPuma said:
Wright said:
In my opinion, they should bring back the Love Hotels they used to had, make profit with them and whatever WiiU's can sell to this point, and destinate resources to a new machine.

If they already ditched the WiiU and its instalbase of 4 million. It would no doubt piss alot of people off, including myself. I think that would actually hurt them more than help. I dont think that a new machine is neccissary, it only needs games and advertisement.

Not if they repay somehow the damage done to those 4 million of users. Better now than when they're at 10-15-20 million of users, don't you think?
It's like 3DS. Those who bought it first day, then received a great gif (+15 games) when the 3DS got its pricecut. They could do something alike, but now that there's still time. That's my opinion, though.

Canceling the Wii U and simply washing their hands of it is not an option.  Nintendo might as well close if they're going to do that.  It would destroy their business.  They've invested billions into R&D for Wii U hardware and software, and as such they have a responsibility to their shareholders and to their company as a whole to see the Wii U through to the end as a full, successful, long-lived platform. 

GameCube had very similar problems after it's first few months on the market.  Nintendo didn't have any software ready, and sales dried up.  Nevertheless, even though Nintendo knew the GameCube was not to be a huge success like the NES and SNES, or even the N64, they had to keep pumping games out for it, as it was their home console.  They didn't have a choice.  When you spend 2-3 years spending hundreds of millions designing hardware, you can't just throw it out when sales hit a rough patch.  Not when you're one of only three video game console manufacturers in the whole world.

Had Nintendo not had N64 already waiting to be released very shortly after the Virtual Boy proved to be a bust, they would have been toast. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

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I think the most painful thing is watching Nintendo squander its year head start as hard as they possibly can. A third of it is now up and we have not even seen footage of 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bro's, Zelda. Even the niche stuff like Pikmin and W101 is being delayed. This was their year to build up a userbase to attract third parties to their system before the ps4/720 appeared. It's a window they are not going to get back.

VGhippy said:

I think the most painful thing is watching Nintendo squander its year head start as hard as they possibly can. A third of it is now up and we have not even seen footage of 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bro's, Zelda. Even the niche stuff like Pikmin and W101 is being delayed. This was their year to build up a userbase to attract third parties to their system before the ps4/720 appeared. It's a window they are not going to get back.

Yeah, they have fucked up monumentally in terms of making the best of their head start. Almost everything they could have gotten wrong, they did get wrong. It's gross mismanagement of 2006 Sony proportions. At this point, it looks like they would have been better off launching alongside PS4 and 720.

In response to thread title: Release Wii2U/WiiU2/Wii2U2/Wii3 or a newly branded console not sharing the Wii name and appearance so that casuals and other consumers fully realize it is a different console. Make it closely match the PS4 and NextBox in specs and then the Wii3 would get all the ports that it is not getting now. Create a stronger online offering without the heavy monitoring that goes on today. Make it more "hardcore" friendly.

As for the Wii U, it's domed at this point. Too late to get ports from PS3/360, too early to get ports from PS4/NextBox. Forever stuck in the middle.

If they can't convince 3rd parties to make games for them they should force them by buying them

bananaking21 said:

The WiiU is going through a lot of trouble lately, its not selling well, at all for that matter. and things dont seem to be getting better in the near future. recently a lot of high profile games seem to not be releasing on the WiiU. with battlefield 4 being the latest big game to skip the WiiU, alongside other big games like Destiny and GTA5 that up until now, have no confirmation what so ever of a WiiU release. so things are actually getting worse for the WiiU

while people may not agree on what are the reasons for this, the suggestions are many; high price point, lack of games, lack of big first party games, lack of 3rd party support, the game pad, the casual crowd moved on, marketing, customer confusion, underpowered hardware and there are many other suggestions on why the WiiU is perfoming badly.

this thread isnt a doom thread, its actually a thread to logically discuss what can nintendo do to turn things around and make the best out of the situation

please people lets keep this cevil, lets not turn this thread into a useless and time wasting flaim war, if you break any forum rules i wont hesitate to report you

you talk like you have prove of everything you say.

HIgh price point: the system cost the same as PS3 and xbox360 and it has more features than those. If you say PS4 and 720 cost the same, then yes it has a high price point, until then you can't say that.

the gamedad: it is the best controller ever made, it does everything it has to do, and things you can't imagine. You don't have a Wii U, so you can't state that. PS4 and 720 are already following their steps, simply as that. You are going to see developers supporting those systems because they are fanboys.

underpowered hardware: Wii U is topping those 7 years old systems since launch, it can't do better yet beacuse the ports are based on those systems architecture, much more different from Wii U, PS4 and 720 (those 3 next gen are based on GPGPU architecture). Why don't you recall Need4Speed Wii U version, the best looking one, and performance wise not even a noticeable framerate drop (i can't say it doesn't have it because i don't ahve super eyes). Lego City: Undercover looks amazing, nothing others can do. It has their issues but we all know TT games are not "the developers". Why don't you wait until a first party title, to see what happen? jumping conclusion so ealry.

have you seen Nintendo doing something to turn things around? no, why?; I don't know. I would like to know but this is suspecious. There is no way a stubborn company like Nintendo, more than 100 years old, will give up so easily being the best developer in the last 30 years or so. 

Rockstar is the only developer I am concerning with respect to supporting the Wii U. EA is a liar. Richitello stretched Iwata and Reggie last E3 saying: "imagine playing Maden on the gamepad", "imagine playing Battlefield 4 on the new console with more power". Yes, check that out and you will see, EA is not worth as a developer, they don't care about anybody nor they do a good job with the likes of Sim City. But people still support them, specially other console gamers.

All things you say here are wrong, all of that is just becaue you haven't experienced Wii U completly, like most of the people saying the WIi U is garbage.