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bananaking21 said:

The WiiU is going through a lot of trouble lately, its not selling well, at all for that matter. and things dont seem to be getting better in the near future. recently a lot of high profile games seem to not be releasing on the WiiU. with battlefield 4 being the latest big game to skip the WiiU, alongside other big games like Destiny and GTA5 that up until now, have no confirmation what so ever of a WiiU release. so things are actually getting worse for the WiiU

while people may not agree on what are the reasons for this, the suggestions are many; high price point, lack of games, lack of big first party games, lack of 3rd party support, the game pad, the casual crowd moved on, marketing, customer confusion, underpowered hardware and there are many other suggestions on why the WiiU is perfoming badly.

this thread isnt a doom thread, its actually a thread to logically discuss what can nintendo do to turn things around and make the best out of the situation

please people lets keep this cevil, lets not turn this thread into a useless and time wasting flaim war, if you break any forum rules i wont hesitate to report you

you talk like you have prove of everything you say.

HIgh price point: the system cost the same as PS3 and xbox360 and it has more features than those. If you say PS4 and 720 cost the same, then yes it has a high price point, until then you can't say that.

the gamedad: it is the best controller ever made, it does everything it has to do, and things you can't imagine. You don't have a Wii U, so you can't state that. PS4 and 720 are already following their steps, simply as that. You are going to see developers supporting those systems because they are fanboys.

underpowered hardware: Wii U is topping those 7 years old systems since launch, it can't do better yet beacuse the ports are based on those systems architecture, much more different from Wii U, PS4 and 720 (those 3 next gen are based on GPGPU architecture). Why don't you recall Need4Speed Wii U version, the best looking one, and performance wise not even a noticeable framerate drop (i can't say it doesn't have it because i don't ahve super eyes). Lego City: Undercover looks amazing, nothing others can do. It has their issues but we all know TT games are not "the developers". Why don't you wait until a first party title, to see what happen? jumping conclusion so ealry.

have you seen Nintendo doing something to turn things around? no, why?; I don't know. I would like to know but this is suspecious. There is no way a stubborn company like Nintendo, more than 100 years old, will give up so easily being the best developer in the last 30 years or so. 

Rockstar is the only developer I am concerning with respect to supporting the Wii U. EA is a liar. Richitello stretched Iwata and Reggie last E3 saying: "imagine playing Maden on the gamepad", "imagine playing Battlefield 4 on the new console with more power". Yes, check that out and you will see, EA is not worth as a developer, they don't care about anybody nor they do a good job with the likes of Sim City. But people still support them, specially other console gamers.

All things you say here are wrong, all of that is just becaue you haven't experienced Wii U completly, like most of the people saying the WIi U is garbage.