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Wright said:
BossPuma said:
Wright said:
In my opinion, they should bring back the Love Hotels they used to had, make profit with them and whatever WiiU's can sell to this point, and destinate resources to a new machine.

If they already ditched the WiiU and its instalbase of 4 million. It would no doubt piss alot of people off, including myself. I think that would actually hurt them more than help. I dont think that a new machine is neccissary, it only needs games and advertisement.

Not if they repay somehow the damage done to those 4 million of users. Better now than when they're at 10-15-20 million of users, don't you think?
It's like 3DS. Those who bought it first day, then received a great gif (+15 games) when the 3DS got its pricecut. They could do something alike, but now that there's still time. That's my opinion, though.

Canceling the Wii U and simply washing their hands of it is not an option.  Nintendo might as well close if they're going to do that.  It would destroy their business.  They've invested billions into R&D for Wii U hardware and software, and as such they have a responsibility to their shareholders and to their company as a whole to see the Wii U through to the end as a full, successful, long-lived platform. 

GameCube had very similar problems after it's first few months on the market.  Nintendo didn't have any software ready, and sales dried up.  Nevertheless, even though Nintendo knew the GameCube was not to be a huge success like the NES and SNES, or even the N64, they had to keep pumping games out for it, as it was their home console.  They didn't have a choice.  When you spend 2-3 years spending hundreds of millions designing hardware, you can't just throw it out when sales hit a rough patch.  Not when you're one of only three video game console manufacturers in the whole world.

Had Nintendo not had N64 already waiting to be released very shortly after the Virtual Boy proved to be a bust, they would have been toast. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.