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Wright said:
BossPuma said:
Wright said:
In my opinion, they should bring back the Love Hotels they used to had, make profit with them and whatever WiiU's can sell to this point, and destinate resources to a new machine.

If they already ditched the WiiU and its instalbase of 4 million. It would no doubt piss alot of people off, including myself. I think that would actually hurt them more than help. I dont think that a new machine is neccissary, it only needs games and advertisement.

Not if they repay somehow the damage done to those 4 million of users. Better now than when they're at 10-15-20 million of users, don't you think?
It's like 3DS. Those who bought it first day, then received a great gif (+15 games) when the 3DS got its pricecut. They could do something alike, but now that there's still time. That's my opinion, though.

They would lose a lot of respect from me though. I dont even know why they would ditch the WiiU when they are completely capable of supporting their system. Im fine with a pricecut, but i doubt they would get rid of the WiiU