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I honestly can't say anything about this question, I'm so confused. I don't really know what the hell is going on at Nintendo headquarters.

I just need an answer from Satoru Iwata to the following question: Why did you have to prematurely kill Wii? Why the imperious need to rush to market this clearly unfinished and poorly thought out machine?

I always thought that Wii U was the answer to the ridiculous complaints made by video game industry. If Nintendo wanted their support, they needed to release a Wii HD. But now it is clear that I was wrong because Wii U has been rejected from the very beginning. Wii U is not even getting current multiplatform releases, because I would understand if next-gen developments skipped Wii U, but current ones too?

Absolutely no one has given this new system a chance (I've never seen anything remotely like this), not even Nintendo themselves. I truly feel sorry for Nintendo fans who bought this machine, they deserve a much better treatment.

I apologize in advance for my bad english.