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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Project Cars Wii U Runs at 720p 30fps, Will ‘Look & Feel Amazing’

ninjablade said:
hsrob said:

Locked 30fps is fine for a game like this. (60fps would be nicer ;))

I honestly think people expecting 60fps to become some kinda of standard next generation are going to be disappointed. Developers will always have a finite amount of power to work with and at some point they have to make the decision regarding frames versus effects. It depends on the genre of game but a stable 30fps will often be seen as less of a compromise that the amount of particles, textures etc. that have to be sacrificed to get a game to run at a stable 60fps (versus 30)

People use the PC as an example of what can be achieved with more power i.e. >60fps and >1080p but this is not achievable on PC purely because they have more power than consoles. This happens on PC because developers have to make games that will run acceptably i.e. usually 30fps+ on a very wide range of hardware. That is to say they are always developing with the/a lowest common denominator in mind and will want the game to run better than acceptably on a level of graphics hardware that is widely available. There will always be a percentage of the PC gaming community that have hardware that far outstrips the target hardware that most developers have in mind, and these are the people that get to run their games at 60+fps and 1080p+.

My two cents.

I would bet a farm on GT6 and forza 5, being 1080p/60fp. were talking about realistic sim racers here, 60fps is a must, an arade arcer can be 30fps but i'm thinking with powerful hardware nextgen most racers will be 60fps, i don't think racers will strain the hardware much nextgen.

To be honest I tend to agree with you with regards to GT6 and Forza 5 but in their favour they are exclusives designed for the their respective hardware.  This is a game that was initially designed for significantly more powerful PC hardware, so I'm not surprised to see it at 30 fps.  If it maintains anything like the visual fidelity of the videos and the 30fps is stable I can live with that.

I guess my post was more aimed at the idea that we are going to see 60fps across the board next gen, to be honest I just don't see it happening.  Not that the hardware won't be capable of running the kind of games we have now at 1080p 60fps with ease, it's just that I think developers are always interested in pushing the envelope and when that happens frame rate is often the first thing to go.

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hsrob said:

I guess my post was more aimed at the idea that we are going to see 60fps across the board next gen, to be honest I just don't see it happening.  Not that the hardware won't be capable of running the kind of games we have now at 1080p 60fps with ease, it's just that I think developers are always interested in pushing the envelope and when that happens frame rate is often the first thing to go.


The whole "next gen will be 60fps standard" thing gets trotted out every time a new generation rolls around, and it's already wrong. I remember people saying it about the Gamecube and PS2 back in the day.

hsrob said:
ninjablade said:
hsrob said:

Locked 30fps is fine for a game like this. (60fps would be nicer ;))

I honestly think people expecting 60fps to become some kinda of standard next generation are going to be disappointed. Developers will always have a finite amount of power to work with and at some point they have to make the decision regarding frames versus effects. It depends on the genre of game but a stable 30fps will often be seen as less of a compromise that the amount of particles, textures etc. that have to be sacrificed to get a game to run at a stable 60fps (versus 30)

People use the PC as an example of what can be achieved with more power i.e. >60fps and >1080p but this is not achievable on PC purely because they have more power than consoles. This happens on PC because developers have to make games that will run acceptably i.e. usually 30fps+ on a very wide range of hardware. That is to say they are always developing with the/a lowest common denominator in mind and will want the game to run better than acceptably on a level of graphics hardware that is widely available. There will always be a percentage of the PC gaming community that have hardware that far outstrips the target hardware that most developers have in mind, and these are the people that get to run their games at 60+fps and 1080p+.

My two cents.

I would bet a farm on GT6 and forza 5, being 1080p/60fp. were talking about realistic sim racers here, 60fps is a must, an arade arcer can be 30fps but i'm thinking with powerful hardware nextgen most racers will be 60fps, i don't think racers will strain the hardware much nextgen.

To be honest I tend to agree with you with regards to GT6 and Forza 5 but in their favour they are exclusives designed for the their respective hardware.  This is a game that was initially designed for significantly more powerful PC hardware, so I'm not surprised to see it at 30 fps.  If it maintains anything like the visual fidelity of the videos and the 30fps is stable I can live with that.

I guess my post was more aimed at the idea that we are going to see 60fps across the board next gen, to be honest I just don't see it happening.  Not that the hardware won't be capable of running the kind of games we have now at 1080p 60fps with ease, it's just that I think developers are always interested in pushing the envelope and when that happens frame rate is often the first thing to go.

its depends really, with budgets going so high, it depends what the developer wants to do,  battle field 4 is already confirmed to be 60fps on nextgen consoles and is suppose to look stunning for instants.

30fps for a racing thanks.

still interested. I don't like being competitive in racers, i just like to go fast. Will get this regardless

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I don't really see the problem here? Sure 60fps would be nice for a racing game, but them making the choice to favour better graphics instead of a higher frame rate should hardly be surprising. I'd be we will see the same thing with a lot of Ps4/NextBox games. Console gamers just tend to care more about the shiny finish than how many frames a second they get (as long as it sticks to a stable 30 that is, otherwise gameplay is affected).

curl-6 said:
hsrob said:

I guess my post was more aimed at the idea that we are going to see 60fps across the board next gen, to be honest I just don't see it happening.  Not that the hardware won't be capable of running the kind of games we have now at 1080p 60fps with ease, it's just that I think developers are always interested in pushing the envelope and when that happens frame rate is often the first thing to go.


The whole "next gen will be 60fps standard" thing gets trotted out every time a new generation rolls around, and it's already wrong. I remember people saying it about the Gamecube and PS2 back in the day.

60FPS is already the standard for sim racers and beat'em ups though. Why expect less suddenly ?

Forza 2-4
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter X Tekken
Mortal Kombat
Tekken 6
Dead or Alive 4, 5
Soul Calibur IV, V
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
... and more

all 60 FPS.

curl-6 said:
VGKing said:
curl-6 said:
VGKing said:
curl-6 said:
VGKing said:
justinian said:
I really don't see what all the fuss is about. So they going to make it 720@30, big deal. This doesn't mean the wii u couldn't have done it 1080@30 or 720@60. This just means that they choose 720@30.

To be perfectly honest this could be a cost cutting exercise in reflection to the poor wii u sales. I don't know for sure, I am just saying.
Realistically I don't see the wii u version of the game making the developers rich... if any version indeed does.

Yes, it really does. If they could have done 1080p @ 30FPS or 720p at 60FPS....they would have done it.

The PS3 obviously can't handle Half-Life 2 without constantly dropping below 20fps then, because if it could, then they would have done it.

Of course it can. That game is a bad port by a developer who wasn't familiar with the PS3 very early in the PS3's life cycle where it was notoriously hard to develop for.

So... just like the Wii U version of Project CARS.

Not at all. PS3 was an over-engineerd console. You could even called it Alien.

Wii U isn't anywhere near as hard to develop for as PS3 was. The only thing holding Wii U games back are its specs. Of course, it the game was exclusive to Wii U, they probably could push the consoles, bu that is just wishful thinking. I think the fact that this game is even coming to Wi U should be celebrated. We should ignore these types of articles seeing as how these things tend to be proven wrong once the game releases. Remember the 1080p 60fps Black Ops 2 rumors? 

Could Wii U be able to run this game in 1080p @ 60FPS? As far as we know, NO IT CAN'T. 

The Wii U is still a new console with customized hardware that devs are not familiar with and don't have engines tailored for. It's absolutely being held back by this, just like every console ever. The idea that the Wii U is somehow magically maxed out already is absurd. It takes years of experience to max out any console.

It may never get maxed out. It's no secret that the 3rd party games have a hard time selling on Nintendo platforms. So don't hold your breath.

Project Cars dont' run at 1080p or 60FPS on Wii U. That is a fact. Whether it can run other games at 720p @60ps or 1080p @30fps....let's take it on a game by game basis. 

Battlefield 4 is rumored to run at 720p @ 60FPS on PS4/NextBox. Do you think Wii U will be more in line with the PS4 or the PS3 version?

Devil_Survivor said:
Mad55 said:
Man vgking hardly ever has anything positive to say about the wiiu lol.

Are you surprised lol? He's the second biggest Sony drone on this site, so of course he doesn't have much good to say about anything Nintendo.

User has been banned for this post  ~Barozi

Well when people say "I'm sure you can run this game at max settings!" It really gets to me. I'm not bashing the Wii U, only stating the obvious.

Here's a positive thing: The Wii U gamepad will be the real innovation with this version of the game and it will possibly be the best looking console version.

Sal.Paradise said:
F0X said:
Sal.Paradise said:
RolStoppable said:

I'll buy it, if it isn't a bastard version and gets released day and date with other versions.

EDIT: Did some research and it looks like Race Driver GRID ran at 30 fps. So what's there to say to people who downplay Project Cars because of 30 fps? Your problem.

What's to say is that Grid is an arcade racer, whereas Project Cars is a sim racer. Different standards for different games; any sim racer worth its salt aims for 60fps. 

Need for Speed: Shift ran at 30 FPS and it was about as critically acclaimed as Gran Turismo 5.

Btw, this game has the same developer.

Hahaha, Need For Speed Shift is not a simulation game. 

Wikipedia backs up my opinion. In any case, I have a hunch that Project CARS will be similar in gameplay style to NFS:S... which in that case, would 60 fps matter?

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