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curl-6 said:
hsrob said:

I guess my post was more aimed at the idea that we are going to see 60fps across the board next gen, to be honest I just don't see it happening.  Not that the hardware won't be capable of running the kind of games we have now at 1080p 60fps with ease, it's just that I think developers are always interested in pushing the envelope and when that happens frame rate is often the first thing to go.


The whole "next gen will be 60fps standard" thing gets trotted out every time a new generation rolls around, and it's already wrong. I remember people saying it about the Gamecube and PS2 back in the day.

60FPS is already the standard for sim racers and beat'em ups though. Why expect less suddenly ?

Forza 2-4
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter X Tekken
Mortal Kombat
Tekken 6
Dead or Alive 4, 5
Soul Calibur IV, V
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
... and more

all 60 FPS.