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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU eShop List! The Super Giana Sisters

ohhh interesting new games.

Though I'm sad no one could answer my request for opinions on The Cave.

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Hi chunk...

I bought The Cave. I think it's great. My only complaint is that the replay value isn't quite there. The game is generally a series of fetch quests which is fine the first time through. Unfortunately the next go around's pretty much the same level design, so I didn't feel compelled to get to each character's specific level the next time through. I may go back to it.

The game is pretty silly/funny and definitely gets you thinking. Overall I give it around a 7.5-8.

A hat in time is also coming to Wii U if i remember correctly. Anyway, I can'T wait for those classsic RPG. Two Brothers and Pier Solar will be so awesome.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

super_etecoon said:
Hi chunk...

I bought The Cave. I think it's great. My only complaint is that the replay value isn't quite there. The game is generally a series of fetch quests which is fine the first time through. Unfortunately the next go around's pretty much the same level design, so I didn't feel compelled to get to each character's specific level the next time through. I may go back to it.

The game is pretty silly/funny and definitely gets you thinking. Overall I give it around a 7.5-8.

Thanks! Guess I'll continue waiting for a sale. But I'll pick it up eventually.

The cave is great. The only downside is that it has some performance issues. The framerate drops quite hard sometimes and there is also some tearing going on. It's ridiculous if you look at games like Trine who get it right. This game should run without trouble on the U and yet it doesn't. Also missing off tv play is a bummer. But the game itself is still great.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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superchunk said:
How good is The Cave. The demo seemed fun and I am tempted to buy it. I liked Trine2 and have also considered Nano Assault Neo. I'm kinda waiting on them to go on sale first though.

I have ~$19 in my eShop account currently.

The Cave has the typical Ron Gilbert humour, that's great. It is short, but OK length for a downloadable title of the price I think. The cave commenting every action of the heroes is really cool. But it's no different to other platforms. No use of gamepad.

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superchunk said:
How good is The Cave. The demo seemed fun and I am tempted to buy it. I liked Trine2 and have also considered Nano Assault Neo. I'm kinda waiting on them to go on sale first though.

I have ~$19 in my eShop account currently.

 Nano assualt only if your a fan of twin stick shooters though (galaxy wars and the like) and the cave if you liked the more difficult puzzles of trine 2. Perosnally i have both of them and feel they were both worth the cost. 

Who is John Galt?


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Chandler said:
A hat in time is also coming to Wii U if i remember correctly. Anyway, I can'T wait for those classsic RPG. Two Brothers and Pier Solar will be so awesome.

Two Brothers' quest for colour sounds interesting. Maybe we'll get more info on this and their "3D Earthbound" on the 22nd at PAX.


And now that you mention "A hat in time", I remember reading something about that game! Added to the list. Thanks.


EDIT: Here's an interview with UNCADE, eShop's latest addition

NL: What's it been like working with Nintendo so far? How does the experience compare to making games for iOS?

DB: So far they’ve been really nice, and I’m liking what I hear. To tell the truth I was just approved last Tuesday, and then launched the Kickstarter, so I haven’t had too much time to look over everything. I think the Wii U is going to be a really indie-friendly platform, and easily being able to use Unity is a HUGE deal to me. It’s nice being able to actually talk to the people running the platform. With iOS it really feels like there is a wall between developers and Apple.

Read the rest here

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I enjoyed Nano Assault Neo but I would wait for it to be on sale. It's quite shiny and controls are responsive and satisfyingly simple but I just felt there was not enough content. You can see all the game has to show in a relatively short time and then it's just about shooting for high scores which isn't really my thing.

Another new title added to the list. During weekend another Kickstarter has met its target, and will be making its way to the WiiU. Terra Incognita is a project with the self-professed objective of producing an experience reminiscent of turn-based RPGs with old-fashioned pixel graphics.

Throughout the many updates added to the funding page Dan Steer, the man behind the project, states that he's now received a Wii U developer kit and has an early build of the game running on the platform, suggesting that Nintendo's on board and has approved the company. The title will be realeased on many platforms such as PC and Ouya, and is aiming for an end of year launch. It could be episodic since the title will be called "Terra Incognita - Chapter One: The Descendant".

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