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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which nextgen home console will sell the most in 2014?

spurgeonryan said:
I would have to say that people have seen the light and the PS4 will be the highest seller. There has not been a bad Sony console ever. You do you trust more?


Very good LT, but this post is a about the first(second) year. You should know better than me how PS3 did back then.

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TruckOSaurus said:
phenom08 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Screamapillar said:
Wii U will, with Smash and Zelda coming out next year, as well as the legs of the 3D Mario coming out this year, and whatever else they announce at E3.

That's a lot of assumptions here. I don't see Smash or Zelda coming out before 2015. As for a 3D Mario this year, it could be possible but it could easily release in 2014 too.

Are we suppose to care about what you see? And what is your prediction?

Of course you should care 'cause I'm right. As for a prediction, I can't really make one since I know nothing about 2 of the 3 contenders.

Ok lol, lets play your game then. So if there is no Zelda or Smash before 2015 and no 3d Mario this year, then what will ninty release this holiday and next year?

phenom08 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
phenom08 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Nextbox will be a beast

Are you afraid to answer the question?


I'm pretty sure "nextbox will be a beast" would imply I think it will sell the most, as it will be a beast. 

No you didnt say that, if you are incorrect you could just say later, "no i never said it would sell the most in 2014, just the most", so next time come out and say it.

I never said I said it, I said I implied it which is good enough. Let's shut up about these annoying semantics dude because nobody cares. Everyone on the planet knew I meant it will sell the most. North koreans who don't even know what a console is would know what I meant. 

phenom08 said:

P.S. I cant wait to necro this thread lol. So much crow will be served.

Maybe even you will taste some.


To the question: I have no idea.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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spurgeonryan said:
I would have to say that people have seen the light and the PS4 will be the highest seller. There has not been a bad Sony console ever. You do you trust more?

I like this post lol, its pretty much why i made this thread. I see alot of WiiU predictions of low sales but none of those same posters have yet to say either of the other nextgen plats will outsell it next year. Shows how confident they really are lol.

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Andrespetmonkey said:
phenom08 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
phenom08 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Nextbox will be a beast

Are you afraid to answer the question?


I'm pretty sure "nextbox will be a beast" would imply I think it will sell the most, as it will be a beast. 

No you didnt say that, if you are incorrect you could just say later, "no i never said it would sell the most in 2014, just the most", so next time come out and say it.

I never said I said it, I said I implied it which is good enough. Let's shut up about these annoying semantics dude because nobody cares. Everyone on the planet knew I meant it will sell the most. North koreans who don't even know what a console is would know what I meant. 

So in other words, you dont have any confidence in the nextbox.

User was banned for this post - Kantor

phenom08 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Of course you should care 'cause I'm right. As for a prediction, I can't really make one since I know nothing about 2 of the 3 contenders.

Ok lol, lets play your game then. So if there is no Zelda or Smash before 2015 and no 3d Mario this year, then what will ninty release this holiday and next year?

Pikmin 3, Luigi's Mansion 2, Wii Fit U, a Mario Kart, a Donkey Kong Country, maybe a Kirby game could be out for this holidays. 3D Mario and a Metroid game for the next holiday.

Signature goes here!

Depends what they launch with, but deffo by 2015 at the latest

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Mnementh said:
phenom08 said:

P.S. I cant wait to necro this thread lol. So much crow will be served.

Maybe even you will taste some.


To the question: I have no idea.

Lol, didnt you agree the WiiU selling like 40-45mil? If so then i dont see how you can tell me the others cant outsell a plat heading for N64 territory.

spurgeonryan said:
Cough....what are you talking about? I said now that people realize the mistake they made by not purchasing a PS3, they will buy a PS4. I do know perfectly well.

I don't think people missed too much in the first 1-2yrs, most of the ggod games started to roll in after that time. I know many people who bit their ass for buying the PS3 at its original price, so yeah...