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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What was so wrong with Metroid Other M? (with a poll)

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what was so wrong with Metroid Other M?

the simpler exploration 20 11.43%
the characterisation of samus 53 30.29%
fricking adam malkovich 8 4.57%
the gameplay 25 14.29%
nothing it was great :P 68 38.86%
shiackz said:

metroidking said:
The game sucks plain and simple, there is nothing I can actually say which is good about it. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves and just psychologically told there mind that they like it. Why do I say that? Whats the best game in the series Super Metroid its the pinnacle of the franchise and Other M does everything opposite to that game.

Exploration - The main center of Metroid and there wasnt any! until the end of the game

Controls - Controlling a character in a 3D environment with a D Pad which is just annoying

Graphics - These are subpar and a step backwards after Prime 3, Also it p!ssed me off that they sexualised Samus and gave her big boobs and this curvacious figure.

Soundtrack - Oh God! Another important part of Metroid games are its atmospheric soundtrack. This soundtrack was terrible the only decent track is the Vs Ridley theme

Story - Horrible Samus is a whiny b!tch. Leave her as a silent protagonist. There doesnt need to be much of a story in Metroid games. Its not that type of franchise.

I really pray they dont do something so stupid like this with the franchise again. Thankfully the game flopped so Nintendo can go back to the drawing board. Word is Miyamoto is involved if there is one person who can redeem the franchise its him.

samus has always had a good figure go play the older metroids and finish with good percentage to check that, another thing she didn't whine that much don't exagerate, i agree exploration was gone but come on it's a different metroid , fusion didn't have any and was awesome too the main point here i the combat wich is really good as for the graphics they are great , everything isnice and polished and acompletely different style from prime , it's another game why would it look the same , anyway it's your tastes so okay but don't go saying that nobody should like it just because it's not prime or super metroid


Theres a difference between having a good figure and looking like a girl out of a playboy magazine. Look at the prime games, Retro didnt overly sexualise her. Fusion had a linear path but it still had some exploration, like finding the security locks. Also what Fusion lacked in exploration made up in atmosphere the added tension of the SA-X stalking you really gave the game something no other Metroid has done. Other M does neither of these. I dont expect every metroid to be the same definitely not but prime 2 and prime 3 deviated from the typical Metroid mechanics but still stayed true to its roots. I mean you dont even get power ups in Other M which is a staple of the series thats like Zelda not having dungeons its just absolutely insane that Sakamoto did that but as I said we will probably never see another Other M due to it underperforming.

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Wow i like the way this is going i'm surprised some people like the game as much as i do

Well i don't know abou that i think it's okay if you don't like it it's okay its your choice , but the game's not bad iknow that much


Strengths of the Super Mario Bros. and Zelda series mentioned by Shigeru Miyamoto are also Metroid Other M weak points :

The coherence of the game world : In some places you can make a 2 km spin attack, while in others you cannot jump over a 10 cm wall, jumps are sometimes interrupted for no reason, there are some places where you can move only by walking in a silly way that can't be distinguished a priori...

For a moment you find yourself not knowing what to do because of the level design that has elements that confuses and interactions with the decor very bad thought.

In addition, the levels are completely impersonal, they have no soul. It's like being on a B movie set!

Although it is full of very interesting concept (in scenario, gameplay, some aspects of Samus personality), this game is below the Metroid series standard.

KylieDog said:
The only positive thing about Other M compared to the previous entry in the series is they finally gave Samus a voice and turned her into an actual character. Silent protagonists should be restricted to games where you create the protagonist, mainly RPGs.

However, negative things:

- The voice actress used/quality of voice work
- Story, the entire thing but especially the Ridley moment as well. Could fill a page or two with story issues.
- Upgrade 'mechanic', though this ties in with bad story.
- Inferior graphics to MP3
- Dumbed down gameplay
- Broken gameplay (just spamming D-pad is like god mod for most of game and you get powered up weapon for it in addition)
- Less exploration
- Dodgy first person controls.

it's  not god  mode, simply samus doesn't  have much trouble  with some  weaker creatures besides, samus  is supposed  to be  really powerful, the voice acting is  bad,but  doesn't really take  that much from the  game , the game is  fun to play, the  exploration is  not  the point in this one game,is  like forcibly wanting mask trading in all the zeldas , it  was the  point of  one  of  the  games  not necesarily for all of  them, they decided  that combat was  going  to be  the main thing in this  one so thats  what they made a game  with good  battles , but i get it i only played  it  like three times, and  in the  prime  ones i got  lost for hours and hours just  exploring,that's  something i really loved about prime especially 1

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Soundtrack, mostly.

This Samus in combat-exploration (almost zero) is like the one in Super Metroid. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about her in the cutscenes.

The story was not bad, the premise was good actually, but bad choices wasting the characters made it painful at some points.

I don't have a problem with Samus talking, but it would be cool if she keep her talk for her inner self, just like happens every time she deducts during the game.

The environments (a space ship) in paper were very interesting, I think more than Prime or even Super Metroid, but were not used in a meaningful way.

Long story short: a better Metroid in paper than Prime games, but ejecuted badly.

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the gameplay was good! I think I gave it an 8 but the story was boring and too long also I never got to finish it since the last boss was just too hard!

Metroid Prime 2 and three had hard bosses in the end as well so I never got to finish those either

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I get the feeling if Metroid: Other M was reskinned as a straight forward sci-fi action game called Hunter Z or something, most people would be clamouring for a sequel right now.

The story was poorly written though.

The characterization of Samus really didn't bother me as much as it did others. What irked me the most was the at times cumbersome gameplay. The constantly having to switch between first and third person perspective while only using the Wiimote was a poor gameplay design IMO. They could have just as easily allowed use of the Nunchuk to allow free movement while looking / aiming in first person mode, and allow for easier use of special moves / items by having more buttons and button combinations at your disposal.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.