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Forums - Sales Discussion - PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a MAJOR flop - we need to talk about it

green_sky said:
Look at you people rejoicing that someone's hard work didn't pay off as well it should have. Bravo.

Right here is the winner. Why do we get such a kick out of other people's "failure" (150k first week is not a failure in my eyes, but due to lack of  better words)

Give it time, that's all it needs. If it cracks a million, which is very plausible, i know there will be a sequel coming so i'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am still enjoying the game very much. Add CaptainKurtz on PSN for a Jak/PaRappa/Nariko beatdown :D

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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pezus said:
sales2099 said:
pezus said:
sales2099 said:
Seeing BO2 on PS3, PS3 gamers are there. They just like to buy multiplats and dont see PS3 exclusives worth their time, unless its a big name one.

The reality completely flies in the face of the internet consensus that Sony is loved for their variety.

Isn't that the exact same thing that goes for 360? It just so happened that Sony didn't release any big name exclusives this year, while MS only had Halo.

360 had other games as well. But yes they sell far less then the big name games like Halo. But MS learned their lesson from releasing random exclusives.

If its not a big name exclusive.....there really is no point making it retail anymore. Make it a PSN game or something.

If only Sony created another GT team to release one GT per year. PS3 would blow up in Europe

Realistically, a new GT game every 2 years would be insane and the 2 year dev cycles wouldn't label it as a COD or Madden. Sony actually knowing what they are doing and exploiting their most lucrative assets would be devestating indeed.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


pezus said:
130k units in the US and 20k in Europe (aka. Playstation Land)?

What the hell?

He extrapolated Europe numbers from UK (aka. Xbox land), so we don't know if it actually sold 20k there or not.

Looking at how Brawl sold in Europe, I would say Europe is not very fond of Smash-like games.

Signature goes here!

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:
JayWood2010 said:

No i think it's a flop because it is not that good of a game and it will not be recieved well and how much it sells will show a lot of this.  You won't hear me say games like ModNation is a flop because i think it's a good game and it profited.  This game is not, but I still do hope it profits for future installments and  i wish the best to the developers

So because you *think* its not a good game (many people disagree), and you *think* it won't be received well, and you *think* it'll have weak legs, that gives you the right to call it a flop now? Okay.

I don't know why you are saying *you*  If you are going to have a debate with me back up what you say by using factual examples.  In the mean time if I was the only one who thought this then the score would be a little higher than this.

if you ever wonder why I don't respect you this would be the reason.  Your arguments are tainted with accusations  and you are basing your arguments around what?  I gave an opinion which of at this moment has held up to be true.  My predictions has been correct so until the moment that they are wrong don't come at me in this manner.  The moment it sells more than 900k then come back and tell me how wrong I am.  Or in the mean time give me reasons you think it will do better instead of telling me I'm wrong because I havent been yet.

As I've said I respect you because you back up what you say.  Jay does not.  

Anyways LBP and InFamous were both recieved at a higher degree.  I'd Say this game is more around ModNation Racers area than those games.  


i think it will sell one million+, sony is most of the time selling their games very short after release for only 19.99 and i expect this also with this game (and almost all ps 3 games from sony) so they drastically increase their game sales with this. that's even a reason why i would concider not to buy a ps3 game at release because i know i will get it very cheap only few months later. exceptions are games like the last of us which will be a must buy day 1 for me.

it's also a game living from word of mouth because many will buy that because their friends want to play against them (the mario kart and whatever factor just smaller)

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pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:

As I've said I respect you because you back up what you say.  Jay does not.  

Anyways LBP and InFamous were both recieved at a higher degree.  I'd Say this game is more around ModNation Racers area than those games.  

What matters most in terms of legs is how gamers see the game, and so far the reaction has been very positive (Metacritic users, Amazon buyers, forum people).

You are talking about the internet where pretty much every exclusive title gets hyped to hell by fans.  You know that is true too.


pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:
JayWood2010 said:

No i think it's a flop because it is not that good of a game and it will not be recieved well and how much it sells will show a lot of this.  You won't hear me say games like ModNation is a flop because i think it's a good game and it profited.  This game is not, but I still do hope it profits for future installments and  i wish the best to the developers

So because you *think* its not a good game (many people disagree), and you *think* it won't be received well, and you *think* it'll have weak legs, that gives you the right to call it a flop now? Okay.

I don't know why you are saying *you*  If you are going to have a debate with me back up what you say by using factual examples.  In the mean time if I was the only one who thought this then the score would be a little higher than this.

if you ever wonder why I don't respect you this would be the reason.  Your arguments are tainted with accusations  and you are basing your arguments around what?  I gave an opinion which of at this moment has held up to be true.  My predictions has been correct so until the moment that they are wrong don't come at me in this manner.  The moment it sells more than 900k then come back and tell me how wrong I am.  Or in the mean time give me reasons you think it will do better instead of telling me I'm wrong because I havent been yet.

There is just so much wrong with that comparison and you know it.

spurgeonryan said:
I think some of you do not realize how big this game was supposed to be! The biggest game shocker around until bayonetta 2. Now it barely pushes out 150,000 on two continents. That is a flop. The vita thread crowd will argue until hell freezes over but there is basically no denying it. A game with this much hype should have done much much better! I will say that I saw no advertising... none!

Yep those darn vita guys will be here any moment to defend it to the end of time....

So what kind of numbers would it have to do to reach how big its was supposed to be?  

Compare games to other games that relate to it and if its far below them then it is a flop.  Its like a pack of dogs around here lol

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:

What matters most in terms of legs is how gamers see the game, and so far the reaction has been very positive (Metacritic users, Amazon buyers, forum people).

You are talking about the internet where pretty much every exclusive title gets hyped to hell by fans.  You know that is true too.

That is not correct. Just look at Halo 4 on Amazon (4 stars) or metacritic (6.5). Forza Horizon (4 stars). NSMBU (4 stars). LBPKarting (4 stars).  Starhawk (4 stars). Twisted Metal (4 stars). All this while PSAS has 4.5 stars. You would expect some Nintendo/Smash Bros fans to downplay the game, but it looks like it's ineffective.

Really?  Because It isn't obvious how fans of apposing systems gives bad reviews to big titles.  This has always been the case.  Never trust user reviews.  


JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:

So because you *think* its not a good game (many people disagree), and you *think* it won't be received well, and you *think* it'll have weak legs, that gives you the right to call it a flop now? Okay.

I don't know why you are saying *you*  If you are going to have a debate with me back up what you say by using factual examples.  In the mean time if I was the only one who thought this then the score would be a little higher than this.

if you ever wonder why I don't respect you this would be the reason.  Your arguments are tainted with accusations  and you are basing your arguments around what?  I gave an opinion which of at this moment has held up to be true.  My predictions has been correct so until the moment that they are wrong don't come at me in this manner.  The moment it sells more than 900k then come back and tell me how wrong I am.  Or in the mean time give me reasons you think it will do better instead of telling me I'm wrong because I havent been yet.

Again, many people think a 76 is still a good game. YOU are in the minority if you think 76 is a bad game.

And that's not how claims work. YOU are the one that made the claim would not sell over 900k. You're claim isn't just to be held true until proven wrong. You have to tell why it will be true. If your reasoning is faulty, other people can tell you why. And the reasons you gave are weak. You're first reason, you think 76 is a bad game is purely subjective. You're second reason, you think it'll have weak legs, doesn't seem plausable based on first week sales.

A 76 Metascoer with 130 FW in USA does not suggest LT sales under 900k. As a prime example, look at Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, which released last year. It had  a Metascore of 70 (lower than PABR) and opened in USA at 66k (much lower than PABR), yet it's already at over 900k after one year. It's lifetime sales will be over 1m.

Plenty of games, especially Sony games, are like All 4 One and PABR. They have Metascores in the range of 70-79 that sell less than 300k FW. Yet plenty of them still go on to sell 1-2m. So far, PABR is following that pattern. This game will live or die on word of mouth. From what I've heard, most people seem to like it.

And I certainly don't don't wonder if you respect me LOL. I don't care

EDIT: Not to mention the fact that it looks like this game required very little resources to develop. I wouldn't be surprised if it already made a profit.