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pezus said:
sales2099 said:
pezus said:
sales2099 said:
Seeing BO2 on PS3, PS3 gamers are there. They just like to buy multiplats and dont see PS3 exclusives worth their time, unless its a big name one.

The reality completely flies in the face of the internet consensus that Sony is loved for their variety.

Isn't that the exact same thing that goes for 360? It just so happened that Sony didn't release any big name exclusives this year, while MS only had Halo.

360 had other games as well. But yes they sell far less then the big name games like Halo. But MS learned their lesson from releasing random exclusives.

If its not a big name exclusive.....there really is no point making it retail anymore. Make it a PSN game or something.

If only Sony created another GT team to release one GT per year. PS3 would blow up in Europe

Realistically, a new GT game every 2 years would be insane and the 2 year dev cycles wouldn't label it as a COD or Madden. Sony actually knowing what they are doing and exploiting their most lucrative assets would be devestating indeed.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.