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JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:

So because you *think* its not a good game (many people disagree), and you *think* it won't be received well, and you *think* it'll have weak legs, that gives you the right to call it a flop now? Okay.

I don't know why you are saying *you*  If you are going to have a debate with me back up what you say by using factual examples.  In the mean time if I was the only one who thought this then the score would be a little higher than this.

if you ever wonder why I don't respect you this would be the reason.  Your arguments are tainted with accusations  and you are basing your arguments around what?  I gave an opinion which of at this moment has held up to be true.  My predictions has been correct so until the moment that they are wrong don't come at me in this manner.  The moment it sells more than 900k then come back and tell me how wrong I am.  Or in the mean time give me reasons you think it will do better instead of telling me I'm wrong because I havent been yet.

Again, many people think a 76 is still a good game. YOU are in the minority if you think 76 is a bad game.

And that's not how claims work. YOU are the one that made the claim would not sell over 900k. You're claim isn't just to be held true until proven wrong. You have to tell why it will be true. If your reasoning is faulty, other people can tell you why. And the reasons you gave are weak. You're first reason, you think 76 is a bad game is purely subjective. You're second reason, you think it'll have weak legs, doesn't seem plausable based on first week sales.

A 76 Metascoer with 130 FW in USA does not suggest LT sales under 900k. As a prime example, look at Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, which released last year. It had  a Metascore of 70 (lower than PABR) and opened in USA at 66k (much lower than PABR), yet it's already at over 900k after one year. It's lifetime sales will be over 1m.

Plenty of games, especially Sony games, are like All 4 One and PABR. They have Metascores in the range of 70-79 that sell less than 300k FW. Yet plenty of them still go on to sell 1-2m. So far, PABR is following that pattern. This game will live or die on word of mouth. From what I've heard, most people seem to like it.

And I certainly don't don't wonder if you respect me LOL. I don't care

EDIT: Not to mention the fact that it looks like this game required very little resources to develop. I wouldn't be surprised if it already made a profit.