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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Predictions: Halo 4 will be GOTY... Metacritic between 94-97

Watch out guys Samuship has been to the future, played and beaten Halo 4, and knows its such a terrible game that for anyone to give it a GOTY nod they are not worthy of any credibility.

What a shock considering in its previews its getting universaly great recognition......

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samuship said:
I know Microsoft likes to buy reviewers, but there's no way this game will be the GOTY. If that's the case, I'll never watch VGA again in my life.

And the Metacritic's score will never be that high. Just in your dreams.

Yeah i would like a link to the part about Microsoft buying reiewers as well. 

I think it will get 90

My prediction:

Metacritic= 95

Halo 4 will win the most game of the year awards.

runner up will be AC3

I'm an advocate for motion controls, Nintendo, and Kicking freaking Toad to the Moon!

3DS Friend Code - 0860-3269-1286

I feel like it'll get between 92-96

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Dont let hype go to your head.

Halo 3 got the 93, based purely on hype.

Halo Reach was fantastic. The best Halo by far. It only managed a 91.

I can see this hitting 92, but reviewers are finally clamping down on FPS.


May be goty, but more than 90-91 is unlikely.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Also, dont count out ME3.

The media love Mass Effect 3


Carl2291 said:
Dont let hype go to your head.

Halo 3 got the 93, based purely on hype.

Halo Reach was fantastic. The best Halo by far. It only managed a 91.

I can see this hitting 92, but reviewers are finally clamping down on FPS.

Well Halo: Reache managed 91 because it is not that Halo game... Halo 3 is better IMO.

I expect Halo 4 to be more like Halo 3 than Reach... so I expect a better meta than Reach.

NobleTeam360 said:
samuship said:
I know Microsoft likes to buy reviewers, but there's no way this game will be the GOTY. If that's the case, I'll never watch VGA again in my life.

And the Metacritic's score will never be that high. Just in your dreams.

Yeah i would like a link to the part about Microsoft buying reiewers as well. 

Well you can clearly see it in umm recent critically acclaimed microsoft titles such as uhh Fable the Journey, Fable Heroes, Kinect Sports 2and Kinect Star Wars.

Those 60s were bought damn it I know it for a fact.

You would think with those massive advertising budgets microsoft would buy reviewer scores for their mediocre kinect games instead of just their good core ones.