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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Predictions: Halo 4 will be GOTY... Metacritic between 94-97

Gave a different prediction in a previous thread, but right now I'm thinking it will get a 90. I think a lot of reviewers are expecting something radically different and will complain that not enough has changed.

Either way GOTY awards are still possible considering there hasn't been any holy shit game this year, metacritic wise, like batman arkham city and skyrim last year. 

Other GOTY contendors are Journey, Dishnored, and assassin's creed 3. And I think those 4 games will split the awards pretty evenly. Journey and Dishnored will split the GOTY awards from sites that give them to more niche games. Halo and AC will split the mainstream goty awards.

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turtuls said:
Considering how the last game they made ( an HD remake of a masterpiece) only got an 82 I have droped my prediction to 88.

 It was Saber Interactive that made that game.


AC3 will flop. I am looking forward to the game but I for some reason don't believe in it. Feel free to shove it in my face if im wrong.

Halo 4 will get 95-96 metacritic. I seriously believe this. The year has been rather lackluster, people are just waiting to give rave reviews :P

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enrageorange said:

Gave a different prediction in a previous thread, but right now I'm thinking it will get a 90. I think a lot of reviewers are expecting something radically different and will complain that not enough has changed.

Either way GOTY awards are still possible considering there hasn't been any holy shit game this year, metacritic wise, like batman arkham city and skyrim last year. 

Other GOTY contendors are Journey, Dishnored, and assassin's creed 3. And I think those 4 games will split the awards pretty evenly. Journey and Dishnored will split the GOTY awards from sites that give them to more niche games. Halo and AC will split the mainstream goty awards.

Don't forget Borderlands 2! Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Haha Kantor gave Dragon Ball Z Kinect an 80


I think it will get a 92 or 93.

My prediction is 90 in metacritic.

Too much expectations all over the forums.