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Forums - Website Topics - New Mod Application

man-bear-pig said:
Kantor said:
man-bear-pig said:
Jay520 said:
I'd say 'Reasonable' would be a fitting mod. I may not have always agrees with his posts, but the man never made a post that wasn't reasonable imo. He's one of the two members on this site who truly bases his views of a subject exclusively on the substance of each subject. Unlike most people here who's views are based on whether or not it supports or is against his favored their favored company. Most may not be trolls or fanboys, but when a persons posts are heavily skewed in favor of one company, while against another, it really shows that his bias is a large factor in his posting habits.

He's hardly ever online though. The last thing we need is another infinity2k9...

Infinity2k9 wasn't a moderator, he was an admin in charge of website development.

He had the green moderator banner.

I think all of the admins had the moderator banner at one point or another.

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I'll sign up but only depending on how much work it is, from my understanding the Queue isn't filled up that bad. I'll probably be over at gamewise a lot so depends.

d21lewis said:
You know, I think I'd make a pretty decent mod. I'm here every day and I know a lot about boobies (the unspoken mod requirement). The only thing stopping me is that I come to this site for relaxation. Being a mod looks like it would be hard work. I respect you guys for getting your hands dirty

Damn there goes my chances!

Signature goes here!

Any update on this?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
Any update on this?

Axumblade narrowed it down to a shortlist and we voted about a week ago. The new mods should be announced soon.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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The rEVOLution is not being televised

Hmmm Ive been a member for years

Only recieved a single ban due to a long sig

Probably have one of the lowest moderation history of anyone on the site

Id actually prob make a good mod.....though Im not sure id have the time

I missed this thread? OH NOES!

I'd have loved to be a mod


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Cant wait for this to go public


Carl2291 said:
Cant wait for this to go public