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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii U supports 1080p, CPU and GPU confirmed - UPDATE: Spec sheet! 1.5 GB RAM, 3 core PowerPC CPU etc. Thread now includes FREE Icelandic lessons!

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
pezus said:
DanneSandin said:

Yeah, I'm swedish - so I understand swedish, norwegian, danish (which isn't a real language - it's like they're speaking with food in their mouth!), and I have studied German, so I know german and can therefore also read and understand a bit of... netherlandish??? Holland...ish??? DUTCH! Dutch I know as well yes... if I read. Don't understand a word if they speak! Kinda like danish ;)

Swedish, norwegian, danish indeed...but Icelandic? Completely different! Hvað er ég að segja núna?

Vad är det jag säger nu?

I bet you google translated it >_>

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo?

Didn't know you knew Icelandic ;) The thing with all Nordic languages is that they all sound the same... Kind of. Listening to an Icelander I can understand bits and pieces here and there - because we have the same "flow" in our words. Like "Hvad" (don't know how you get those sweet Ds) is A LOT like "vad" in swedish, and almost pronounced in the same way. Er - är, segja - säga/säger, núna - nu

Hehehe you got some pretty tricky words in the next sentence ;) I get "er" and "Af" ^^ are you saying something about Sony copying Nintendo??? "Herma" is very similar to "härma" which means "to copy"... Could Hvers be some form of what or where?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

Jag har en tolv tummars penis

Ólíklegt myndi ég segja. Tólf tommur eru um 30 sentímetrar.

Ólíklegt I don't get... Something "alot I have to say" - mycket säger jag... could Ólíklegt be olyckligt? olyckligt mycket? and that last part every one understands ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

That's more like it! 

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo? < pretty cryptic stuff

One would be tempted to think it means something along the lines of:

What the (slang swearing) is Sony doing? Is there anything that they don't copy straight from Nintendo?




pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

Jag har en tolv tummars penis

Ólíklegt myndi ég segja. Tólf tommur eru um 30 sentímetrar.

Ólíklegt that you have seen 'Splash' ég segja.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
pezus said:

I bet you google translated it >_>

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo?

Didn't know you knew Icelandic ;) The thing with all Nordic languages is that they all sound the same... Kind of. Listening to an Icelander I can understand bits and pieces here and there - because we have the same "flow" in our words. Like "Hvad" (don't know how you get those sweet Ds) is A LOT like "vad" in swedish, and almost pronounced in the same way. Er - är, segja - säga/säger, núna - nu

Hehehe you got some pretty tricky words in the next sentence ;) I get "er" and "Af" ^^ are you saying something about Sony copying Nintendo??? "Herma" is very similar to "härma" which means "to copy"... Could Hvers be some form of what or where?

"vad" just sounds weak compared to hvað imo. Do you know the icelandic hv- sound? 

Above means: What kind of a video game company is Sony? Why don't they copy Nintendo exactly?

sorry, can't say that I know Icelandic "hv"... there's gotta be some place where I can check that out?

Hahaha no wonders I didn't understand that first part! I've heard that Iceland don't "import" words like everyone else; they make their own! But that second part I understood some what...

Where did you learn Icelandic?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network
pezus said:
DanneSandin said:

Ólíklegt I don't get... Something "alot I have to say" - mycket säger jag... could Ólíklegt be olyckligt? olyckligt mycket? and that last part every one understands ;)

Ólíklegt means not likely . Olyckligt = ólukkulegt/óheppilegt

Aaaaa of course! Seeing the english word "likely" it makes sense. After all, there's quite a few words in english that comes from nordic languages...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

That's more like it! 

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo? < pretty cryptic stuff

One would be tempted to think it means something along the lines of:

What the (slang swearing) is Sony doing? Is there anything that they don't copy straight from Nintendo?




Ég er bara að skrifa niður það sem mér dettur í hug, ekki endilega eitthvað sem er erfitt fyrir Norrænt fólk að skilja. Ég uppfærði núna titilinn á þessum þræði! Ókeypis íslenskukennsla!

In all fairness though, Icelandic is pretty out there. I don't spend too much time reading it :) I think the Swede is at a disadvantage here though, Icelandic is much closer related to Norwegian than Swedish.

Bong Lover said:
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

That's more like it! 

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo? < pretty cryptic stuff

One would be tempted to think it means something along the lines of:

What the (slang swearing) is Sony doing? Is there anything that they don't copy straight from Nintendo?




Ég er bara að skrifa niður það sem mér dettur í hug, ekki endilega eitthvað sem er erfitt fyrir Norrænt fólk að skilja. Ég uppfærði núna titilinn á þessum þræði! Ókeypis íslenskukennsla!

In all fairness though, Icelandic is pretty out there. I don't spend too much time reading it :) I think the Swede is at a disadvantage here though, Icelandic is much closer related to Norwegian than Swedish.

Så sant som det är sagt! I'll say this: Sweden is in a disadvantage when it comes to understand all other nordic/scandinavian languages! Norwegian and danish really look ALOT like each others when written, no one understands finish ppl and Iceland is too far away to be bothered by ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:

The heck?!

@Danne: Icelandic has barely changed from Old Norse!  "However, despite its arguable baggage, the remarkable conservatism of the Icelandic language and its resultant near-isomorphism to Old Norse (which is equivalently termed Old Icelandic by linguists) means that, to their delight, modern Icelanders can easily read the Eddassagas, and other classic Old Norse literary works created in the tenth through thirteenth centuries."

We read some of the sagas in elementary school lol.

Icelandic has "imported" words too, it's mainly the grammar that is extremely hard and much more complicated than Danish and Swedish for example, which makes it hard to learn for Nordic people even though learning Swedish and Danish is pretty easy for Icelanders!

Look at my profile if you want to see where I learned lol

Haha yeah, I ninjad my way to your prof, and boy, was I in for a surprise!

It's actually very cool that you read those things in elementary school!

I've heard it's one of the toughest languages you can learn - one of the hardest. And just by reading the little you've written here I can see the difference in grammar. That's probably due to German influences in Sweden during 1400 and 1500...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Well back to some Wii U stuff.
A single console will be able to support 12 user accounts.

Though the bad, and expect is that Friend codes haven't totally disappeared but will be similar to the 3DS's codes, maybe because I guess their is some confusion between sources.