pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
pezus said:
I bet you google translated it >_>
Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo?
Didn't know you knew Icelandic ;) The thing with all Nordic languages is that they all sound the same... Kind of. Listening to an Icelander I can understand bits and pieces here and there - because we have the same "flow" in our words. Like "Hvad" (don't know how you get those sweet Ds) is A LOT like "vad" in swedish, and almost pronounced in the same way. Er - är, segja - säga/säger, núna - nu
Hehehe you got some pretty tricky words in the next sentence ;) I get "er" and "Af" ^^ are you saying something about Sony copying Nintendo??? "Herma" is very similar to "härma" which means "to copy"... Could Hvers be some form of what or where?
"vad" just sounds weak compared to hvað imo. Do you know the icelandic hv- sound?
Above means: What kind of a video game company is Sony? Why don't they copy Nintendo exactly?
sorry, can't say that I know Icelandic "hv"... there's gotta be some place where I can check that out?
Hahaha no wonders I didn't understand that first part! I've heard that Iceland don't "import" words like everyone else; they make their own! But that second part I understood some what...
Where did you learn Icelandic?