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Bong Lover said:
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

That's more like it! 

Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo? < pretty cryptic stuff

One would be tempted to think it means something along the lines of:

What the (slang swearing) is Sony doing? Is there anything that they don't copy straight from Nintendo?




Ég er bara að skrifa niður það sem mér dettur í hug, ekki endilega eitthvað sem er erfitt fyrir Norrænt fólk að skilja. Ég uppfærði núna titilinn á þessum þræði! Ókeypis íslenskukennsla!

In all fairness though, Icelandic is pretty out there. I don't spend too much time reading it :) I think the Swede is at a disadvantage here though, Icelandic is much closer related to Norwegian than Swedish.

Så sant som det är sagt! I'll say this: Sweden is in a disadvantage when it comes to understand all other nordic/scandinavian languages! Norwegian and danish really look ALOT like each others when written, no one understands finish ppl and Iceland is too far away to be bothered by ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.