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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii U supports 1080p, CPU and GPU confirmed - UPDATE: Spec sheet! 1.5 GB RAM, 3 core PowerPC CPU etc. Thread now includes FREE Icelandic lessons!

Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed"

Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU"

Fuck you!

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This is a sad replacement for a spec-sheet really.

IBM CPU was obvious, so we want to know model and speed etc.

AMD GPU was obvious, so we want to know model and speed etc.

Also, why no HDD? And how much RAM?

Spec-sheet my ass...

I am dissapoint.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Nothing new.

pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed"

Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU"

Fuck you!

Hey, don't kill the messenger!

It's almost confirmed that it is indeed more powerful than PS3/360. Even the launch games and 3rd party ports look better than the PS3/360 games.

lol Ofcourse, but we knew that anyway. As I wrote in some other thread... "Judging by pikmin and zombiU, the Wii U isn't a big leap over PS360 hardware-wise. ZombiU looked like a good looking PS360 game with better AA and slightly better lighting and textures."

Bring the hell on Orbis and Durango! next E3 x_x

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I want Smash Bros. to support six players!

pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed"

Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU"

Fuck you!

Hey, don't kill the messenger!

It's almost confirmed that it is indeed more powerful than PS3/360. Even the launch games and 3rd party ports look better than the PS3/360 games.

I´m gonna see the presentation again, because I didn´t get that feeling, maybe aside from pikmin 3.

So basically, it's more powerful, but we have no idea how much more powerful it is.

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forest-spirit said:

I want Smash Bros. to support six players!

Two Wii U's pad controllers causes fps drop .

Not really a spec sheet, but still good news!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.