pezus said:
I bet you google translated it >_> Hvers konar tölvuleikjafyrirtæki er Sony? Af hverju herma þeir ekki nákvæmlega eftir Nintendo? |
Didn't know you knew Icelandic ;) The thing with all Nordic languages is that they all sound the same... Kind of. Listening to an Icelander I can understand bits and pieces here and there - because we have the same "flow" in our words. Like "Hvad" (don't know how you get those sweet Ds) is A LOT like "vad" in swedish, and almost pronounced in the same way. Er - är, segja - säga/säger, núna - nu
Hehehe you got some pretty tricky words in the next sentence ;) I get "er" and "Af" ^^ are you saying something about Sony copying Nintendo??? "Herma" is very similar to "härma" which means "to copy"... Could Hvers be some form of what or where?
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