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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA defends itself against thousands of anti-gay letters

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Do you agree with EA on this?

Yes 39 34.82%
No 30 26.79%
It's sad that the "... 27 24.11%
See results 15 13.39%
ToraReaper said:
It's sad knowing there are so many ignorant hateful people out there, its also sad when they take offense that options of homosexuality are in a video game.

But, but, this will turn the whole world gay! *shocked face*

See (episode from Drawn together):

Wooldoor Sockbat's Giggle-Wiggle Funny Tickle Non-Traditional Progressive Multicultural Roundtable!

I'm completely serious. Oh, the other serious.

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The EA damage control is hilarious. We're supposed to think they're paragons of ethical practice because they've published a game with same-sex relationships?

I'm not even going to bother copy pasting, it would fill up the whole page and then some.

The sad thing is I'm not even surprised.
Probably the same folks that listen and swear by Rush Limbaugh all the time...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I support EA 100% on this.

That doesn't mean I think they are "paragons of ethical practice" (far from it). But in this very case it can't be denied that they're right...

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

TwistedComplex said:
Is there a "Don't give a fuck" option?

Also, I'm tired of EA and Bioware falling back on their gay relationship stance as if that absolves them of all the bullshit they do.

The see results option should do the trick


Lesbians FTW

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they should be more worried about little kids playing a MMO which requires a credit card and has a PEGI 16 rating... I can already hear them typing the letters..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Sal.Paradise said:

The EA damage control is hilarious. We're supposed to think they're paragons of ethical practice because they've published a game with same-sex relationships?

I'm not even going to bother copy pasting, it would fill up the whole page and then some.

Those companies didn't get thousands of letters from homophobic nut-cases.

EA aren't paragons of ethical practice (there not even prentending to be really). They're just standing up for their developers creation and something that shouldn't even be an issue.

Why does everybody hate EA?
first the golden Poo award and now the anty gay stuff.
I support Homo community and I think they shuoldn´t bother about this, just don´t give a shit.

Scoobes said:
Sal.Paradise said:

The EA damage control is hilarious. We're supposed to think they're paragons of ethical practice because they've published a game with same-sex relationships?

I'm not even going to bother copy pasting, it would fill up the whole page and then some.

Those companies didn't get thousands of letters from homophobic nut-cases.

EA aren't paragons of ethical practice (there not even prentending to be really). They're just standing up for their developers creation and something that shouldn't even be an issue.

Got a source to go along with that, buddy? 

Funny thing is, Bioware under EA have already released games with homosexual and lesbian relationships, straange how their heroic defense against tyrannical homophobes and fundamentalists only pops up after a rash of bad press and criticism.

Scoobes said:
Sal.Paradise said:

The EA damage control is hilarious. We're supposed to think they're paragons of ethical practice because they've published a game with same-sex relationships?

I'm not even going to bother copy pasting, it would fill up the whole page and then some.

Those companies didn't get thousands of letters from homophobic nut-cases.

EA aren't paragons of ethical practice (there not even prentending to be really). They're just standing up for their developers creation and something that shouldn't even be an issue.

Dude, give me a break.

This is PR 101


Yesterday they win Worst Company in America, and today they just happen to defend gay people. Gay people are Bioware and EAs scape goat.

I wouldn't be surprise, I wouldn't be FUCKING surprised if EA said the ballot was being stuffed by homophobes on the Consumerists website.