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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox 360 exclusives vs. PS3 exclusives vs. Wii exclusives


Which console has the best exclusives?

Xbox 360 101 14.45%
PS3 405 57.94%
Wii 191 27.32%
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
Torillian said:
Conegamer said:

I just don't see any Halo game or Uncharted game, or any other game by MS or Sony, being remembered the same way as Skyward Sword or Galaxy will be.

Perhaps it won't be remembered by you, but I will certainly remember Valkyria CHronicles, LBP, and even Killzone 2 longer than I will either of those.  Always see this fallacious assumption based argument by Nintendo fans that Nintendo are the only ones that makes games that people will remember for decades, but the only reason you think that is they're the only gaming company that's been around that long..  Trust me I will remember SotC for the rest of my life and I'm sure others will remember the first halo forever.  Nintendo doesn't have the market cornered when it comes to future classics, they just have the market for current classics because they've been around that long.  

talk about yourself

we've seen how Halo Anniversary sold compared to the original, and compare that to how Ocarina is selling, not 10 years later but 14

Conegamer is right

You don't honestly think that Skyward Sword is going to sell those kind of numbers if they remake it in 14 years do you?  Yeah OoT as a game is more renowned as a classic than Halo, but that doesn't mean every Zelda game gets that same treatment.  I have an incredibly hard time believing people will remember a random Zelda that didn't even sell that hot more so than the game that made an entire console company viable (Halo).  


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man-bear-pig said:
Runa216 said:
I did an interesting chart about a year back, and PS3 was tied with Wii for 'great' exclusives, with 360 trailing behind by a wide margin.

Ermmm, who decided whether the exclusives were great? You? Bah!

Probably a review compilation site like MetaCritic.

Love and tolerate.

Conegamer said:
Torillian said:
Conegamer said:

I just don't see any Halo game or Uncharted game, or any other game by MS or Sony, being remembered the same way as Skyward Sword or Galaxy will be.

Perhaps it won't be remembered by you, but I will certainly remember Valkyria CHronicles, LBP, and even Killzone 2 longer than I will either of those.  Always see this fallacious assumption based argument by Nintendo fans that Nintendo are the only ones that makes games that people will remember for decades, but the only reason you think that is they're the only gaming company that's been around that long..  Trust me I will remember SotC for the rest of my life and I'm sure others will remember the first halo forever.  Nintendo doesn't have the market cornered when it comes to future classics, they just have the market for current classics because they've been around that long.  

Yes, you might, and there might well be other people who remember those games also (myself included. Great games), but they will never be remembered in the masses in the same way as games like Skyward Sword or Galaxy will ever be. And surely that's the measure of success, whether or not the masses will remember it. The games you mentioned are simply too niche to have the same following, and the same level of care or importance weighted on them. Sad but true. No-one really remembers games from the 90's which sold around 250k, do they? 

It's not a 'fallacious' assumption. People who live outside of gaming will remember the Wii exclusives, and it will go down as the console which revolutionised gaming (for better and for worse) for most people. Why was this? It was because it offered games of everyone, of a very high quality. That for me is most important, and that's why I say that Nintendo has the best exclusives.

If we're just talking about what the masses will remember then we must be talking about sales, and there are quite a few games on PS3 and 360 that have outsold Skyward Sword as well as Galaxy so I don't see how you can say Nintendo is the only one with those level of exclusives.   Halo is a huge, gaping, 10m selling hole in your argument if that's the case.  Quite a few games have and will continue to outsell Skyward Sword so I don't see how the "masses" argument works for that one.


oniyide said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
RolStoppable said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
RolStoppable said:

It's not like multiplatform games would be at the top of the Wii bestsellers list if they sold just as many units as on the 360 and PS3, so your counter is weak.

That was more of a troll response if anything, a taste of your own medicine.

But I'll argue fo realz:

The lack of competition from multiplats leads to consumers having less options (games) to spend their money on. E.g. As a PS3 owner who could only afford 1 or 2 games last winter, I had to pick from Batman, Skyrim, Uncharted, COD, Battlefield, FIFA 12, AC: Revelations (The list goes on), I chose Uncharted, and although Uncharted is still getting great sales, imagine how much better it's sales would be without the competition, what if it was the only or one of the only major game(s) in an established franchise releasing, and what if PS3 had an install base of 90 million intead of 60 million? 

What if Wii had as many quality 3rd party games that were marketed as much or more than it's exclusives? 

Consumers who have limited money will choose the games they think they'll enjoy the most. Given Nintendo's track record throughout their entire video game history, their games have always been the topsellers, including their systems that had major third party presence. This makes it implausible that Nintendo would have suffered notably from higher quality third party games on the Wii. Nintendo isn't just the most successful software publisher in video games history, they are by far the most successful one. They are in this position for a good reason and that is they make the best games. It's impossible to cover up a lack of quality over a timeframe of 30 years.

If the PS3 didn't have major third party multiplatform games, then it wouldn't even have sold 60 million units. So Uncharted would have not sold notably better without all the competition it had, because you would be looking at a significantly lower installed base for the PS3.

If the Wii had as many quality third party games that were marketed as much or more than its exclusives, then the Wii would have sold more than 120 million units by now with total software being sold breaking the 1 billion barrier. So in the end, Nintendo's games would have probably sold even more than they did, because people who bought a Wii for third party games would also give some Nintendo games consideration. Something they wouldn't have done otherwise, because they had no intention to ever own the system in the first place.

I have a reply to this, but this debate is boring as shit and we are probably not going to change eachothers minds. But you did write a fair amount so I will reply to it if you really want me to. Do you want me to?

yeah im sure people bought Wii for the third party games. 

Is this to me or Rol? I don't think either of us is saying that at all.

Andrespetmonkey said:

I have a reply to this, but this debate is boring as shit and we are probably not going to change eachothers minds. But you did write a fair amount so I will reply to it if you really want me to. Do you want me to?

Yes. I need dem gamrpoints.

Around the Network
man-bear-pig said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

I have a reply to this, but this debate is boring as shit and we are probably not going to change eachothers minds. But you did write a fair amount so I will reply to it if you really want me to. Do you want me to?

Yes. I need dem gamrpoints.

Just got some

man-bear-pig said:
Runa216 said:
I did an interesting chart about a year back, and PS3 was tied with Wii for 'great' exclusives, with 360 trailing behind by a wide margin.

Ermmm, who decided whether the exclusives were great? You? Bah!

You don't get points for posts do you?

Another thread about this??? Wow we are reaching new lows here on the chartz!

Anyways i voted PS3 because well....uhm...i only have the PS3!


Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Andrespetmonkey said:
man-bear-pig said:
Runa216 said:
I did an interesting chart about a year back, and PS3 was tied with Wii for 'great' exclusives, with 360 trailing behind by a wide margin.

Ermmm, who decided whether the exclusives were great? You? Bah!

You don't get points for posts do you?

Oh yes he does!

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Shinobi-san said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
man-bear-pig said:
Runa216 said:
I did an interesting chart about a year back, and PS3 was tied with Wii for 'great' exclusives, with 360 trailing behind by a wide margin.

Ermmm, who decided whether the exclusives were great? You? Bah!

You don't get points for posts do you?

Oh yes he does!