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dark_gh0st_b0y said:
Torillian said:
Conegamer said:

I just don't see any Halo game or Uncharted game, or any other game by MS or Sony, being remembered the same way as Skyward Sword or Galaxy will be.

Perhaps it won't be remembered by you, but I will certainly remember Valkyria CHronicles, LBP, and even Killzone 2 longer than I will either of those.  Always see this fallacious assumption based argument by Nintendo fans that Nintendo are the only ones that makes games that people will remember for decades, but the only reason you think that is they're the only gaming company that's been around that long..  Trust me I will remember SotC for the rest of my life and I'm sure others will remember the first halo forever.  Nintendo doesn't have the market cornered when it comes to future classics, they just have the market for current classics because they've been around that long.  

talk about yourself

we've seen how Halo Anniversary sold compared to the original, and compare that to how Ocarina is selling, not 10 years later but 14

Conegamer is right

You don't honestly think that Skyward Sword is going to sell those kind of numbers if they remake it in 14 years do you?  Yeah OoT as a game is more renowned as a classic than Halo, but that doesn't mean every Zelda game gets that same treatment.  I have an incredibly hard time believing people will remember a random Zelda that didn't even sell that hot more so than the game that made an entire console company viable (Halo).  
