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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox 360 exclusives vs. PS3 exclusives vs. Wii exclusives


Which console has the best exclusives?

Xbox 360 101 14.45%
PS3 405 57.94%
Wii 191 27.32%
Andrespetmonkey said:
oniyide said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
RolStoppable said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
RolStoppable said:

It's not like multiplatform games would be at the top of the Wii bestsellers list if they sold just as many units as on the 360 and PS3, so your counter is weak.

That was more of a troll response if anything, a taste of your own medicine.

But I'll argue fo realz:

The lack of competition from multiplats leads to consumers having less options (games) to spend their money on. E.g. As a PS3 owner who could only afford 1 or 2 games last winter, I had to pick from Batman, Skyrim, Uncharted, COD, Battlefield, FIFA 12, AC: Revelations (The list goes on), I chose Uncharted, and although Uncharted is still getting great sales, imagine how much better it's sales would be without the competition, what if it was the only or one of the only major game(s) in an established franchise releasing, and what if PS3 had an install base of 90 million intead of 60 million? 

What if Wii had as many quality 3rd party games that were marketed as much or more than it's exclusives? 

Consumers who have limited money will choose the games they think they'll enjoy the most. Given Nintendo's track record throughout their entire video game history, their games have always been the topsellers, including their systems that had major third party presence. This makes it implausible that Nintendo would have suffered notably from higher quality third party games on the Wii. Nintendo isn't just the most successful software publisher in video games history, they are by far the most successful one. They are in this position for a good reason and that is they make the best games. It's impossible to cover up a lack of quality over a timeframe of 30 years.

If the PS3 didn't have major third party multiplatform games, then it wouldn't even have sold 60 million units. So Uncharted would have not sold notably better without all the competition it had, because you would be looking at a significantly lower installed base for the PS3.

If the Wii had as many quality third party games that were marketed as much or more than its exclusives, then the Wii would have sold more than 120 million units by now with total software being sold breaking the 1 billion barrier. So in the end, Nintendo's games would have probably sold even more than they did, because people who bought a Wii for third party games would also give some Nintendo games consideration. Something they wouldn't have done otherwise, because they had no intention to ever own the system in the first place.

I have a reply to this, but this debate is boring as shit and we are probably not going to change eachothers minds. But you did write a fair amount so I will reply to it if you really want me to. Do you want me to?

yeah im sure people bought Wii for the third party games. 

Is this to me or Rol? I don't think either of us is saying that at all.

Bolded, im sure the people who bought a Wii for third party games are really small and if they did I would imagine they were buying things like JD

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oniyide said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

Is this to me or Rol? I don't think either of us is saying that at all.

Bolded, im sure the people who bought a Wii for third party games are really small and if they did I would imagine they were buying things like JD

He was speaking hypothetically 

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Shinobi-san said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
i vote ps3 cause 360 only have one exclusive that i could pay for it (gears) and nintendo have 2 (zelda and metroid)

I dont see much of a difference with Sony's and MS's line up in terms of genres other than Sony release exclusives for more genres. But for the most part they deal with the same genres : Racing, action adventure, TPS, FPS.

Basically what im saying is...since you only like one 360 imagine you dont like a hell of a lot of the ps3 exlcusives either. That or you find that the ps3 exclusives are way beyond 360 exclusives in which case matacritic does not agree with you.


i dont like halo, i dont care about alan wake 


i like GOW , i like uncharted, i pretend to buy twisted metal , i like heavy rain , i WANT ,NEED final fantasy versus 13 , i am happy with GT5 so i dont need care about forza.


i think ps3 exclusives are >>>>>>>>>>>> 360 , its my opinion , i am sure some 360 fans dont think this way , if they are happy good for them , i am sure happy with ps3 exclusives

You only play one game in one genre?? o.O

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
naruball said:

You mean like Gamecube?

At some point this sales=quality notion needs to die.

The success of a system depends on a whole lot of things. Innovation / lowest price / best exclusives / time of release /marketing/hype etc. Anything alone is not enough. It's all or most of these things put together.

Here's the reasons I bought a wii in 2008.

1)The ps3 was bloody expensive, I didn't have much money and due to bad press I was under the impression that Sony were making a huge profit on each console because they were greedy.

2)The hype of Wii Sports was insane. I played the game for a few months (though spent about 30 hours in total) and was quite bored after that

3)I wanted to play WiiFit to lose wait. I played it for about 20 hours and was hugely disappointed. I had tons of fun playing Naruto (wii) though (my first Naruto game on an next generation  console).

I also bought Super Mario Galaxy due to hype and because the Wii offered no other games that interested me. I played it for a few hours, but didn't enjoy it that much (nevertheless, I think it's a 9,5/10 game, just not for me).

I bought a ps3 in 2009 and have about 130 games vs 8 wii games (though I have no doubt that there are tons of wii games that I never got to play that are brilliant)

This is not a Wii Sucks post. I'm just trying to show that the success of a game or console can depend on many reasons, quality might be one of them, but definitely not the only, and for everyone.

there's not a single thing on earth that likes to everyone, if that was the case Wii would have sold 150m +, the thing is what likes to most people, and in this case, the sales of Wii exclusives speak by themselves, this site is all about sales, and therefore the answer to the thread title but of course the point is that everyone tells his/her opinion

it depends on many things, but  Nintendo games in this case is the main reason Wii succeed, people got it because it was cheap, in order to play Nintendo games which they heard from others are awesome and that's why many Nintendo Wii's games had the legs of 20m

sales mean a higher chance to be quality in someone's eyes actually

like Rol said, consumers vote with their wallets, same for music and movies, now if VGC members like PS3 exclusives the most, nothing wrong with that, i like them too, just not as much as the Wii exclusives

I don't think it's the main reason. In my opinion, had Sony not screwed up with the ps3 (extremely high price due to cpu/blu-ray, launched after wii, no gamezz), most ps2 users would have bought a ps3 instead. The Wii gained momentum and became the cool console to own.

If so many people cared about Mario, Zelda etc, why didn't just as many people buy a gamecube or a n64.

RolStoppable said:
naruball said:

Agreed with bolded, disagree with italicized/underlined. It's like saying that Call of Duty mw/ bo is better than Mass Effect/Forza 3 etc. They buy the game because of hype or many other possible reasons.

I absolutely despise FPS (always get dizzy when I play them), but still bought Killzone 2 and 3 because some friends of mine like them (plus they were really cheap). It's a reason to invite them over and then play Tekken 6

People buy the games they think give them the most bang for their buck and most of the bestselling multiplatform games aren't one-hit-wonders, so it's safe to say that these games do hold high value for PS3 owners. Five years after launch, there's a pattern of consistency and it shows that exclusives aren't the prefered choice of the average PS3 owner.

A breakdown of the top 50 in five steps:


  • Top 10 (7 multiplatform/3 exclusives)
  • Top 20 (14/6)
  • Top 30 (19/11)
  • Top 40 (26/14)
  • Top 50 (32/18)
I didn't account for bundled games, so this breakdown favors exclusive games.
People obviously don't really care whether the game they purchase is exclusive or not. They just look for the best games, period.


It seems that we're talking about two differetn things. I argue that Call fo Duty games are not the best in quality, while you argue that they are the best in value. Since Man-bear-pig doesn't specify what kind of "best" he refers to, I guess we're both right in a way.

Also, @underlined. Not necessarily. There are so many ps3 exlusives that it's hard to argue that the average ps3 owner doesn't care about ps3 exclusives.

E.g. Say I bought a ps3 for infamous, but don't like Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. A friend got a ps3 for Heavenly Sword and Gow, but couldn't care less about Demon's Souls. The sales seem to be widespread, hence the number of ps3 million sellers vs wii ones, despite the huge lead of the latter in hardware sales.

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Although I only own a 360, I would say the PS3 and maybe the Wii have a lot more quality exclusive games. Microsoft needs to pump out more exclusives. Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable are all great franchises (including Alan Wake, which is a great exclusive also), but the Xbox 360 needs more to stay up there with the PS3 in the exclusives department. Although PS3 exclusives don't appeal to me (expect LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and Twisted Metal), they look like great games.

Curby said:
Although I only own a 360, I would say the PS3 and maybe the Wii have a lot more quality exclusive games. Microsoft needs to pump out more exclusives. Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable are all great franchises (including Alan Wake, which is a great exclusive also), but the Xbox 360 needs more to stay up there with the PS3 in the exclusives department. Although PS3 exclusives don't appeal to me (expect LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and Twisted Metal), they look like great games.

That game is going to PC so I think it no longer qualifies as exclusive

man-bear-pig said:
Runa216 said:
I did an interesting chart about a year back, and PS3 was tied with Wii for 'great' exclusives, with 360 trailing behind by a wide margin.

Ermmm, who decided whether the exclusives were great? You? Bah!

Review Aggregator site (I prefer them to Metacritic for two reasons: 1 - it calculates averages to 2 decimal points as opposed to none, and VGchartz is on there, though I liked the site better before I even knew VGchartz existed.)  I had this deep, involving list of rules to what counted, what didn't, what was an exclusive, what wasn't, etc.  a 'great' game is anything with an 80 average or more.  PS3 had the most over 90%, which is elite territory.  

I think (and this was almost a year ago, forgive me if mynumbers are wrong) Wii and PS3 had like 42 exclusives over 80% each.  Xbox had like 31?  something like that?  I really should update it since I've since cut out downloads, remakes, and compilations and put them into seperate categories (a remake/collection category and a download only section.)  

The top 7 were all PS3 and Wii titles, I believe.  Mario Galaxy, Mario Galaxy 2, Uncharted 2, LittlebigPlanet, Zelda: Twilight Princess, World of Goo...then Gears of war, metal Gear Solid 4....I should update it and share it with you.  some intereting stuff I tell you what.  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
pezus said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:


the answer is so obvious that it does not even deserve a thread and a poll, whatever the result will be

edit : after watching the result i can see it's actually a voting about which company has the most fans on this site, and is Sony as it seems, nothing wrong with that, but so people can finally stop blaming poor Nintendo fans for supporting what they like

No, PS3 is ahead because it deserves it. Stop trying to say "Oh but Nintendo this and Nintendo that". They haven't done jack shit for the Wii except Zelda in more than a year. I remember more years where there were only 1-2 memorable exclusives. I remember the year that Animal Crossing came out as another example (2008).

It annoys me greatly that you can never recognize the PS3 for its exclusives and always insist it's ONLY because Sony fans outnumber the other ones. Nintendo won the poll in the other exclusives thread. Why is that?

Wii is where it is (30m above the Ps3) only and only because of its exclusive titles, it's a fact, not an opinion

The Wii hit massive numbers because of casuals, not exclusives. Their exclusives sold well but nowhere near the attach rate of Wii Fit and the like.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

Wii is where it is (30m above the Ps3) only and only because of its exclusive titles, it's a fact, not an opinion

The Wii hit massive numbers because of casuals, not exclusives. Their exclusives sold well but nowhere near the attach rate of Wii Fit and the like.