Poor Kojima. :(
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius
Poor Kojima. :(
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius
heh, kojima was so nervous
Dude should never talk english in public again. The game looks like a generic anime over the top hack n slash.
They ruined it, what a shame i was looking forward to that alot aswell.
Skyrim gets goty? It's barely even a game to some people, lets face it,they can't play it after a certain point. Arkham or Zelda seems more deserving.
ClassicGamingWizzz said: skyrim AKA the most broken game ps3 of all time get GOTY , keep giving prizes to games with gamebreaking bugs :) |
maybe it'S broken for ps3 but that doesn't change the fact that it's the best game of the year if you play the 360 or pc vesion.
ok they could say that it's not the best if you wish to buy the ps3 version until a good patch will come but yeah it's still the best game of the year...
i played it over 100 hours now and didn't have one bad glitch which let me restart the game or so... for example i had like 5 of them playing battlefiled 3 so for me battlefiled is much worse if it comes to glitches but it's still good and i don't care.
Skyrim, expectedly won it. Broken games ftw I guess.
Metal Gear is dead.
Goddamn, Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance or whatever that word was looked so badass. It was awesome just pure awesome. I am now very interested in this game. I assume all Metal gear fans will be butthurt but I'm an adrenaline junkie and that was badass.
The Last of Us sounds awesome and knowing naughty dog is behind it makes it my most anticipated of 2012.
Overall I enjoyed the show, it was better than last years and the host was actually pretty cool.
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