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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox E3 Press conference full analysis

gustave154 said:
this conference was the worst i ever seen. at least for the core gaming audience....
halo 4 holiday 2012??? woooooooooooooooooooooooooow 1.5 years to go...

Wow really? Really?

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

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Ajescent said:
Anyone realise they confirmed Halo 4, 5 and 6 all in one go? I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw that.

Yes he said. The beginning of a NEW Trilogy on Xbox 360

This not only confirms Halo 4,5,6 but also confirms Xbox 360's existence till 2014 (if they do 1 a year)!!!!!!!!1221

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Dgc1808 said:
That was nothing short of disappointing...

People weren't expecting much.

I'm not even a Halo fan, but that reveal at the end was done very well, that Halo 4 logo looked pretty good tbh.

It basically saved the whole conference though.

Ajescent said:
slowmo said:
Did he really state they were going to sell the most consoles globally this year??? Better be a huge pricecut then because that conference was one of the most embarrasing underwhelming and at times cringe worthy shows I've ever seen and highly unlikely to send sales skyward. Only highlights were Ghost Recon, ME3, Gears 3 and Halo 4 for me. I'd have put Forza in that list if they'd shown anything but a pre recorded boring trailer.

This is one massively disappointed gamer.

I agree, that was quite Balsy, but the fact they are going for the kiddie market (a market if rumours are to be believed, Nintendo are slowing down on) and going for that multimedia market...It's not as silly as it sounded.

I agree aiming at a younger market might gain some sales but not enough to back up that statement without a significant price cut imo.  It would take a fair while and lots of word of mouth to convert kids to the 360 cause.

Dashboard, very Win8ish. Was most impressed with the LiveTV, and really wonder how it would work in Europe? Is it country based, or can a German see British TV, or a Dane watch Spanish TV, would be very interesting to know. Would love for this to come to PC if I can watch TV from anywhere, literally anywhere, I'd buy Kinect for PC.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Around the Network
darthdevidem01 said:
Ajescent said:
Anyone realise they confirmed Halo 4, 5 and 6 all in one go? I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw that.

Yes he said. The beginning of a NEW Trilogy on Xbox 360

This not only confirms Halo 4,5,6 but also confirms Xbox 360's existence till 2014 (if they do 1 a year)!!!!!!!!1221

do you honestly expect Microsoft to keep the 360 alive until then?

Halo 4 is the 360's last big game just like Skywayd Sword is for the Wii, Halo 5 and 6 will come out for the Xbox 3

slowmo said:
Ajescent said:
slowmo said:
Did he really state they were going to sell the most consoles globally this year??? Better be a huge pricecut then because that conference was one of the most embarrasing underwhelming and at times cringe worthy shows I've ever seen and highly unlikely to send sales skyward. Only highlights were Ghost Recon, ME3, Gears 3 and Halo 4 for me. I'd have put Forza in that list if they'd shown anything but a pre recorded boring trailer.

This is one massively disappointed gamer.

I agree, that was quite Balsy, but the fact they are going for the kiddie market (a market if rumours are to be believed, Nintendo are slowing down on) and going for that multimedia market...It's not as silly as it sounded.

I agree aiming at a younger market might gain some sales but not enough to back up that statement without a significant price cut imo.  It would take a fair while and lots of word of mouth to convert kids to the 360 cause.

If they price cut Sony will just match, they aren't going to sell the most consoles this year, their lineup is weak and I don't see kinect getting a second wind and anyone wanting a multimedia console would get the ps3 

Halo 4 blew me totally off...

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Wellmany people will scream on these forums for varying reasons. Me well, I loved it. This is where I wanted kinect to go. I am seriously happy with ms right now. They are really bringing the living room entertainment to the future. The games looked epic to. Fun labs is amazing and the amazing ghost reconcile kinect footage was epic. No other experience will compete with that. Well done ms. Live alone with its entertainment offering guarantees me buying an shod for at least another 20years. Truly my cave e3.from ms ever. Can't wait for halo remake. Best game this year.

That was an awesome conference! What I posted in the Microsoft conference thread:

Kinect was awesome, and I love how committed Microsoft are to it. The improvements compared to last year are immense.

Voice commands looked awesome in ME3 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and the Gunsmith looked really awesome, though I hope they tune that aiming. It's sweet that it isn't on rails too!

Ryse looked awesome! I loved Red Steel 2, and this looks right down my alley!

Fable: The Journey looked a bit cheesy, but all the spells actually looked fun to play with.