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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Am I on my way to convert me into a into a PC lover?

I'm also slowly drifting (back) to PC gaming.

JRPGs are what attracted me to console gaming to begin with but with the horrible support the genre has received this gen I'm playing PC games more and more.

I won't stop playing consoles as that's where my favorite franchises are but PC gaming is just so much fun.

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zarx said:

Well I hope you enjoy your stay in PC land

this is a very useful site for all PC gamers

Thanks for the advise. I really liked what I saw there!

Kenryoku_Maxis said:

The PC is best for certain games.  RTS, FPS, Simulation, Space/Flight Sims and WRPGs.  If you like games in these genres, then you'll love the PC.

Personally, I love games on all mediums.  You don't have to ignore consoles just because you have a PC, despite the views of some PC fans.  I play Diablo, Age of Empires and Sim City all the time.  But I still own a Wii, PS3 and DS.  Because other genres are best on those consoles (JRPGs, Action games, Sports titles, etc).

I strongly agree with your analisis. It's just that I'm all excited because there are lots of games and genres out there which I had not enjoyed so much because I was not fond of this platform and now I see it as revealed truth!

ghost_of_fazz said:

Welcome aboard the PC-gaming train. It's going to be an awesome trip for you, full of enjoyment, mods, and frags. It's great to have you on board.

Also, be sure to check the Fallout 3 mods, like the high-res texture packs.

Zkuq said:

If you enjoy BioWare games, you should definitely try Baldur's Gate II. In general, there's tons of older PC games you should try if you ever have the time. (Of course it's not all old games but IMO the best games, PC or not, aren't exactly new.)

Also, I guess you already know about mods but Oblivion and supposedly Fallout 3 too benefit greatly from mods. Try TESNexus for Oblivion. There's also links to Fallout and Dragon Age mods there. Of course other games benefit from mods, too, but Oblivion is possibly the most obvious example.

Thanks for the advise guys! Yesterday I downloaded some mods and I am very happy with the results. Those were All Natural - Natural Enviroments - Archery Rebalance - 4 great patches with great new music and I am still considering about the very popular hd texture patch but I'm not sure if it will run smoothly on my pc. At the moment I am taking the Heir to meet this Priest who used to be a guardian of the emperor and I am feeling nostalgic about my mate, Alistair, and the old times...

Zkuq, I was planning on giving Baldur's Gate II a try as lots of people praise it. I'll keep it in mind.

I am in the processes myself of turning to computer gaming.


pariz said:

In August 2010 I built a middle range gaming PC (basically a AMD ATHLON 4x 2.9Ghz with a ATI 5750 1Gb ddr5). I spend that money on it cause I needed to upgrade my computer and I wanted to play Mass Effect 1 and 2, games which were exclusives to x360 and pc at the time, and I wanted to be able to complement the diversity of games I already had with my Wii (2008) and PS3 (2009).

I've always considered myself a JRPG fan, concept that got stronger as Tales of Symphonia (1 and 2), Tales of the Abyss and Persona 4 have been some of my most cherished experiences these last years and, as a "pro console - pro Japan" kind of gamer, I might have looked down on western RPGs and PC games in general, I've got to admit that.

This year has found me spending most of my gaming time with my PC. Since the day I purchased my PC I got quite a few games for my PC, being Bioware games the ones I enjoyed the most. From what I've seen on videos, the gameplay experience would have been quite shallower on a console and therefore I'm glad I got to play them as I did.

Now I've got ahead of me The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (6 hours in), Elders Scroll IV: Oblivion GOTY (8 hours in),  and Portal (just stared it) and I can't decide which of them I should play first. I do have FallOut 3 GOTY (used to have it on PS3, but I sold it to get it on PC) too. The Witcher 2 and Skyrim are already day one purchases for me, just as Mass Effect 3 and I'm looking foward for Deus Ex game too.

I am still pretty interested in quite a few games released this year for Wii and PS3 (Last Story, Xenogears, L.A. Noire, new Final Fantasy game if released, Uncharted 3) and I am really thrilled about Project Cafe rumors, but neither of those things keep me from feeling I might be slowly turning into one of those PC fanboys, specially as I just scratched the surface of all the great games out there.

congrats on seeing the light.  there are some great console games, but the great pc games blow all those out of the water.

and now you know why we complain when a pc game gets dumbed down for consoles.

Your first playthrough in the Witcher. Good. I had three, and 106 hours atm. I am taking free days specially to play the Witcher 2.

Now you must get Half Life 2, Crysis (the first), Starcrafts, Dooms, Bioshocks...


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Kudistos Megistos said:
pariz said:

In August 2010 I built a middle range gaming PC (basically a AMD ATHLON 4x 2.9Ghz with a ATI 5750 1Gb ddr5).

What the %#?! were you thinking? I hate to think of what CPU you had before, if an Athlon counted as an upgrade.

In fact it is an AMD Athlon II X4 635 2.9 Ghz Quad Core. I miss wrote it.  Did you notice my mistake and still thought my processor was bad? I was told it was a pretty good one but then you made me feel like it is not.

pariz said:
Kudistos Megistos said:
pariz said:

In August 2010 I built a middle range gaming PC (basically a AMD ATHLON 4x 2.9Ghz with a ATI 5750 1Gb ddr5).

What the %#?! were you thinking? I hate to think of what CPU you had before, if an Athlon counted as an upgrade.

In fact it is an AMD Athlon II X4 635 2.9 Ghz Quad Core. I miss wrote it.  Did you notice my mistake and still thought my processor? I was told it was a pretty good one but then you made me feel like it is not.

It has a nice clock speed so I wouldn't be too worried :) My CPU is an AMD Phenom II X6 1035T 2.6GHz. Btw, the X followed by the number tells you how many cores you have so I read your post as "AMD Athlon II Quad-Core 635 2.9Ghz Quad-Core" Just a little redundant XD.

Snesboy said:

It has a nice clock speed so I wouldn't be too worried :) My CPU is an AMD Phenom II X6 1035T 2.6GHz. Btw, the X followed by the number tells you how many cores you have so I read your post as "AMD Athlon II Quad-Core 635 2.9Ghz Quad-Core" Just a little redundant XD.

I couldn't emphasize it enough.

The same thing happened to me. I think it's inevitable.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Funny. A few months ago it seemed pretty hard to find almost anyone who didn't think PC gaming sucks, let alone people who like it. Now it seems that things have changed at least a little bit.