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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo is smart, and I hate them for that fact

well isnt halo a rehash with better graphics? isnt modern warfare a rehash with differnt levels and same gameplay?  isnt final fantasy 13/14 etc the same as final fantasy 10 wiht different storyline? so what if they decided to remake OOT its gonna sell and sell big. you say what about all the ones calling other graphic whores? what about saying we are all gameplay whores cause we are all passionate about a great gameplay game are we not?  there are a few of us that get our graphics fix other then console systems like the ps3 and xbox360 its called the much more powerful computer that can have better graphics then both of the HD consoles. Granted people say but you gotta update a computer every other year but in fact its the same lifecycle as a console but the difference is if you build it right and update it with ram you shouldnt have to spend more then 50 dollars to get the next great graphical game. so it is sooo smart and brilliant at the same time that nintendo is bringing this out 

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


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One of the best console games of all time....turns into one of the best handheld games of all-time?

Sure its a revisiting, but many people actually want this. Also, not everyone was there in 1998 when it came out. Nintendo's fanbase has more than doubled since then.

Besides, they have to remind a new gen what makes Zelda a great series. Zelda on the go? Sign me up!

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Khuutra said:
KungKras said:
Khuutra said:

Oh lord God in Heaven give me strength; please dont start this shit up again.

I have to. I want the magic of OoT back.

You starting up this exhausted argument is not going to affect Nintendo. You want the magic of OoT back? Buy a 3DS and play away to your heart's content. You want a game that Nintendo will tailor to your standards in specifically trying to best OoT on its own terms? THey've been doing that since 1999. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all better games than Ocarina of Time in several ways; your complaints to the contrary are just typical enough that thish as worried Aonuma for over a decade.

I will be most glad when the Zelda team ignores the living Hell out of you.

Haha, you're starting to sound a lot like me!


Khuutra, you are right in that it would be nice to have both. But we have limited time and limited resources, we don't live in a world with infinity on our side. Things happen everyday that affect the course of your future.


Who knows, maybe the ultimate, amazing, perfect Zelda could have been thought up if that team hadn't been pressed down with work of OoT 3DS.


And now that opportunity will never arise.


Wow that was pessimistic!

wfz said:
Khuutra said:

You starting up this exhausted argument is not going to affect Nintendo. You want the magic of OoT back? Buy a 3DS and play away to your heart's content. You want a game that Nintendo will tailor to your standards in specifically trying to best OoT on its own terms? THey've been doing that since 1999. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all better games than Ocarina of Time in several ways; your complaints to the contrary are just typical enough that thish as worried Aonuma for over a decade.

I will be most glad when the Zelda team ignores the living Hell out of you.

Haha, you're starting to sound a lot like me!

Khuutra, you are right in that it would be nice to have both. But we have limited time and limited resources, we don't live in a world with infinity on our side. Things happen everyday that affect the course of your future.

Who knows, maybe the ultimate, amazing, perfect Zelda could have been thought up if that team hadn't been pressed down with work of OoT 3DS.

And now that opportunity will never arise.

Wow that was pessimistic!

It's not that I mind the Ocarina formula. The four games belonging to that school are probably the best games, collectively, that I've ever played (except maybe Mother). It's great! Ocarina of Time had more effect on my life than any other single piece of software, and that's a stone cold fact.

But the point remains that Aonuma has brought up before that Ocarina of Time has become a specter for him, something he's had to fight against for more than ten years. It's an albatross around his neck. As soon as he gets rid of it, I think we'll notice even more fantastic things coming out of this team.

I don't think that a bunch of programmers, texture artists, and character modelers have a lot to do with gameplay design concepts, if that helps you feel better.

Soriku said:
SaviorX said:

One of the best console games of all time....turns into one of the best handheld games of all-time?

Sure its a revisiting, but many people actually want this. Also, not everyone was there in 1998 when it came out. Nintendo's fanbase has more than doubled since then.

Besides, they have to remind a new gen what makes Zelda a great series. Zelda on the go? Sign me up!

Yeah, but that's why it's there on the VC...

If it has new content than awesome. If not...whatever. That's just me though...

They should rerelease the superior Wind Waker in 3D but also add those two (?) dungeons they cut out for the final game.

Not everyone has access to the Virtual Console, either, and a boxed release is going to have a much wider visibility.

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wfz said:
Khuutra said:
KungKras said:
Khuutra said:

Oh lord God in Heaven give me strength; please dont start this shit up again.

I have to. I want the magic of OoT back.

You starting up this exhausted argument is not going to affect Nintendo. You want the magic of OoT back? Buy a 3DS and play away to your heart's content. You want a game that Nintendo will tailor to your standards in specifically trying to best OoT on its own terms? THey've been doing that since 1999. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all better games than Ocarina of Time in several ways; your complaints to the contrary are just typical enough that thish as worried Aonuma for over a decade.

I will be most glad when the Zelda team ignores the living Hell out of you.

Haha, you're starting to sound a lot like me!


Khuutra, you are right in that it would be nice to have both. But we have limited time and limited resources, we don't live in a world with infinity on our side. Things happen everyday that affect the course of your future.


Who knows, maybe the ultimate, amazing, perfect Zelda could have been thought up if that team hadn't been pressed down with work of OoT 3DS.


And now that opportunity will never arise.


Wow that was pessimistic!

You're appling whole Earth resources to game development? The scale is too small for that to apply. You're falling for the "zero sum fallacy".

Nintendo doesn't need the main Zelda people to do most of this game on the same scale as a full Zelda game.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Khuutra said:
KungKras said:
Khuutra said:

Oh lord God in Heaven give me strength; please dont start this shit up again.

I have to. I want the magic of OoT back.

You starting up this exhausted argument is not going to affect Nintendo. You want the magic of OoT back? Buy a 3DS and play away to your heart's content. You want a game that Nintendo will tailor to your standards in specifically trying to best OoT on its own terms? THey've been doing that since 1999. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all better games than Ocarina of Time in several ways; your complaints to the contrary are just typical enough that thish as worried Aonuma for over a decade.

I will be most glad when the Zelda team ignores the living Hell out of you.

Ouch, I can imagine you looking just like your avatar when typing that. I guess I should have phrased my statement more like this: I keep bringing it up, becasue it is an important topic to me, it seems that some things about the newer games that I find are anoying, many people don't mind or don't notice, and I find that strange. Of course I don't think I can affect Nintendo by arguing on forums. Wanting the magic of OoT back was a poor explanantion for my motivations.

I will never understand how some people can't see that the Zelda games have become blander and blander with each new installment after Ocarina of Time. It seems so obvious to me, but maybe not to you.

I don't buy that Nintendo tried to emulate Ocarina of Time with the newer games, if they did then it seems that they didn't get what people liked about the game in the first place as the gameplay itself has become even more different from what was fun in the game with each new installment. Don't you see how different TP plays from OoT?


KungKras said:

Ouch, I can imagine you looking just like your avatar when typing that. I guess I should have phrased my statement more like this: I keep bringing it up, becasue it is an important topic to me, it seems that some things about the newer games that I find are anoying, many people don't mind or don't notice, and I find that strange. Of course I don't think I can affect Nintendo by arguing on forums. Wanting the magic of OoT back was a poor explanantion for my motivations.

I will never understand how some people can't see that the Zelda games have become blander and blander with each new installment after Ocarina of Time. It seems so obvious to me, but maybe not to you.

I don't buy that Nintendo tried to emulate Ocarina of Time with the newer games, if they did then it seems that they didn't get what people liked about the game in the first place as the gameplay itself has become even more different from what was fun in the game with each new installment. Don't you see how different TP plays from OoT?

I enjoy avatars indicative of a sour mood at least partially because I like subverting those expectations as often as possible. Also I find them amusing. If you take them as being indicative of my mood, then my tone is going to come across in a weird way.

Yes, I think it completely fair to say that other people don't see Zelda the way you do. That's also true of the way I see Zelda, or how wfz does, or noname, or Helios, or Malstrom, or pretty much anybody. The 'magic' of the series isn't some objective thing that can be hammered down by a single person and held up as an example of what future games should be like. Every person's experiences are different because we all have different perspectives and values, all of which color those experiences. You say games become more bland after Ocarina; I see them as being different, with vibrancy coming in different forms.

You odn't have to buy the idea that Nintendo's been trying to beat Ocarina of Time on its own terms: Aonuma himself has said so. That's not speculation on my part, and my agreement on how differently Wind Waker or Twilight Princess play has nothing to do with their attempts.

Khuutra said:
zarx said:
raptors11 said:

I agree with the OP. Its gettin kinda ridiculous all these remakes coming out. I can sort of understand the ICO collection and GoW collection because they're being upgraded to HD but otherwise its just laziness and easy money (which I don't blame them for)

umm OOT 3d is getting rebalanced dungeons, updated graphics and bonus content. GoW (and possibly ICO collectoin, not much is known) is just higher res textures and running at a higher res. I think you are confused as to which has more work put into it...

Rebalanced dungeons and bonus content? Where'd you read that?

there have been a few interviews and details that have hinted at changes

"IGN: I think one of the big surprises at the show was the 3DS. We knew the new Wii Zelda was happening -- you showed some artwork for it last year. But the 3DS showing Ocarina of Time 3D, that was a big surprise. I think it excited people. I was wondering if you could talk about some of the ideas you have. Not just adding depth, but some of the gameplay elements we might see. Will it be a direct port, or an enhanced game? 

We've talked about remixing Ocarina of Time for a long time, saying "should we remake Ocarina of Time for Wii?" And, to be honest, I said no. I didn't want to just re-release it on a different platform -- I wanted to have a specific reason to remake Ocarina of Time. I didn't want to just make a port. And so I was waiting for something to come along that would not only help us to retell the story, but improve upon it. Making it different, more unique in its own way. Now, with 3D, we're able to take the environments of Hyrule and add depth -- giving them a more expansive feeling, a more immersive feeling. In addition to that, now that we have the 3D we can looking forward to new ways to implement 3D into the gameplay and make it fresh and new. And we also have the motion sensors that are built-in to the Nintendo 3DS. So we're looking at quite a few ways to make the gameplay more immersive, more natural, more accessible. So again, not just a port -- but a retelling of the tale using new technologies to reinvent it. 

Read more:"

I thought there were more interviews but I can't seem to find them right now.

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I think that's indicative of plenty, zarx. Thank you very much for reminding me. I'd actually read that, but forgotten.