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KungKras said:

Ouch, I can imagine you looking just like your avatar when typing that. I guess I should have phrased my statement more like this: I keep bringing it up, becasue it is an important topic to me, it seems that some things about the newer games that I find are anoying, many people don't mind or don't notice, and I find that strange. Of course I don't think I can affect Nintendo by arguing on forums. Wanting the magic of OoT back was a poor explanantion for my motivations.

I will never understand how some people can't see that the Zelda games have become blander and blander with each new installment after Ocarina of Time. It seems so obvious to me, but maybe not to you.

I don't buy that Nintendo tried to emulate Ocarina of Time with the newer games, if they did then it seems that they didn't get what people liked about the game in the first place as the gameplay itself has become even more different from what was fun in the game with each new installment. Don't you see how different TP plays from OoT?

I enjoy avatars indicative of a sour mood at least partially because I like subverting those expectations as often as possible. Also I find them amusing. If you take them as being indicative of my mood, then my tone is going to come across in a weird way.

Yes, I think it completely fair to say that other people don't see Zelda the way you do. That's also true of the way I see Zelda, or how wfz does, or noname, or Helios, or Malstrom, or pretty much anybody. The 'magic' of the series isn't some objective thing that can be hammered down by a single person and held up as an example of what future games should be like. Every person's experiences are different because we all have different perspectives and values, all of which color those experiences. You say games become more bland after Ocarina; I see them as being different, with vibrancy coming in different forms.

You odn't have to buy the idea that Nintendo's been trying to beat Ocarina of Time on its own terms: Aonuma himself has said so. That's not speculation on my part, and my agreement on how differently Wind Waker or Twilight Princess play has nothing to do with their attempts.