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well isnt halo a rehash with better graphics? isnt modern warfare a rehash with differnt levels and same gameplay?  isnt final fantasy 13/14 etc the same as final fantasy 10 wiht different storyline? so what if they decided to remake OOT its gonna sell and sell big. you say what about all the ones calling other graphic whores? what about saying we are all gameplay whores cause we are all passionate about a great gameplay game are we not?  there are a few of us that get our graphics fix other then console systems like the ps3 and xbox360 its called the much more powerful computer that can have better graphics then both of the HD consoles. Granted people say but you gotta update a computer every other year but in fact its the same lifecycle as a console but the difference is if you build it right and update it with ram you shouldnt have to spend more then 50 dollars to get the next great graphical game. so it is sooo smart and brilliant at the same time that nintendo is bringing this out 

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049