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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Nintendo need to launch the Switch 2 in 2024?


Does Nintendo need to launch the Switch successor in 2024

Yes, it's a must to launc... 25 25.51%
Would be preferable to la... 36 36.73%
Nintendo doesn't need to ... 31 31.63%
Switch 2 shouldn't launch... 6 6.12%

Now that we're in 2024, one of the big things that could happen this year is the launch of a Switch successor. As rumors been heavily suggesting a potential release in 2024, along with the fact that Switch sales are beginning to decline suggesting that Nintendo may need new hardware soon to keep the momentum going.

However, do you think its a must for the Switch to release in 2024 or could Nintendo wait a bit longer? I wanna hear your opinions.

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I think they should launch it when it's ready, and the games are ready.
No rushed games, no technical issues like joycon drift. And when they have enough to sell to customers, not having scalpers scoop them all up and having none left for people who want them

I definitely think it's highly preferable to launch in 2024, but if it's not ready, then I don't think an early 2025 launch would be a worst case scenario. Their stock would probably take a hit, but it recently exceeded the Wii peak and has gone up and down during the Switch era. If they do launch in early 2025, then 2025 would easily be a bigger first year than Switch 1 because I could see 3D Mario, Mario Kar,t Animal Crossing, Pokemon Gen 10 and others (like maybe Mario Party) all in 2025 if the system launches then.

I don't think they need to, a March 2025 release seems to be the ideal time and would be 8 years after the Switch which released March 2017. Selfishly I want them to hold off long enough for the Switch to become the best selling console of all time before they release the new system.

Need to launch this year? No. Early 2025 would be fine. Nintendo needs to launch with enough units to avoid scalping issues. Scalping hurt the ps5 software sales for a good period of time.


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Nah, it can definitely wait until 2025 for all I'm concerned. Releasing a console during the end of this year feels meaningless because they would obviously be missing nothing launching in early 2025.
Also it'll just add time for their studios to polish their games to a sheen for the release of some aren't completely baked yet and prolly because some have been tweaking or using higher fidelity techniques for graphics and such which take a bit much time to integrate.

Also I suspect that even if hardware sales declines still, if the software sales side remains pretty high, they won't feel too compelled to rush it because that's where most of the revenues come from.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

With it being all but confirmed at this point that we are getting hardware revisions for both PS5 & XSX later this year, maybe an early 2025 launch would be better for Nintendo, kind of like how Switch didn't launch in the same time frame of the PS4 Slim/Pro & Xbox One S/X.

I mean they could still have a Pokemon game for late 2024 and maybe something like a new 2D Donkey Kong. And like I mentioned, that would make 2025 such a huge year for Nintendo (and gaming in general).

March: Switch 2 Launch with 3D Mario

April: Mario Kart

May: Metroid Prime 4

June: Animal Crossing

September: Mario Party

November: Pokemon Gen 10

These are just rough estimates and obviously doesn't include every big idea they could have, like maybe a Zelda remake.

They wouldn't explode but they should release asap. Switch is going to decline fast now and interest in Nintendo will fall if they don't release something new. You should release a new system while you still have some momentum. Not milk the old system until interest completely dies.

Zippy6 said:

They wouldn't explode but they should release asap. Switch is going to decline fast now and interest in Nintendo will fall if they don't release something new. You should release a new system while you still have some momentum. Not milk the old system until interest completely dies.

Well, so far, Nintendo doesn't have a big title announced for Switch in 2024. We have Paper Mario TTYD Remaster, Princess Peach Showtime, and I don't think Metroid Prime 4 will release anytime soon.

Like you said, Switch 1 is going to decline. Either Nintendo will come with a Direct in the upcoming months to fill up the 2024 calendar for Switch 1, or they will announce the successor for later this year and let Switch 1 slowly walk away.

That's what I believe, at least.

The Switch is still chugging along fine, so if they need to wait until 2025 then that's fine.