COD: Decclasified
it's NOT 3/10 Bad. it's a 7/10 game, it's call of duty 100% but downsized to a handheld and a 6month development.
I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!
RE revelation for 3ds!!! Alot of people were dissapointed with racoon city and RE6, but revelation played toward the original games! Even though it has around 650k sold its underrated compared to other installments IMO!
As for DS Fire emblem shadow dragon! The whole series is underrated, i hope the 3ds title sells well
iWarMachine said:
COD: Decclasified
it's NOT 3/10 Bad. it's a 7/10 game, it's call of duty 100% but downsized to a handheld and a 6month development.
your the 1st that i know that says its underrated on the site! I cant comment since i haven't played it but some people i kno who bought it didn't like it as well! To each their own i gues!!!
KungKras said:
Turok 2, GBC
Just listen to that godly soundtrack
i never even knew turok was on GBC!!! I loved the 64 one it used to scare the ~#$* out of me!!!
Blacksaber said:
I heard of Ivy the Kiwi before, is it really that good???
It's a sequel to the Wonder Boy/Monster World games which are some of my favorite Master System and Genesis games.
Kid Icarus: Uprising. People like to slag it off because it's got a large learning curve with the controls but once you get used to it, it pretty much is the best game on the 3DS.