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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Modern Warfe 2 Graphics. Give it a rest. It's awesome.

WereKitten said:
FKNetwork said:

LOL, I've played them all and stick to what I said:


The game is a masterpiece, the graphics are by far the best this generation on console, it runs at 60FPS with all that detail, KZ2 and Unchartered 2 run at 30FPS, so yes, MW2 is far better hence why reviewers are calling MW2 the new benchmark.

60FPS ------> 30FPS any day

What reviewers called MW2 the new benchmark for console graphics?

very very fews

It is not the same for KZ2 (at his time) or U2

but, dont say it too loudly, some people may hear you !

Time to Work !

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To each there own. I played MW2 a few hours last night, and I think some of you need to get a PS3 to form an "honest" opinion. Killzone 2 has vastly superior lighting, particle effects, and textures. Some of the dust in MW2 looks awful, as do some of the character models.

Resident Evil 5 is the best looking multi-platform game.

Also, aside from the fact that both "bridge levels" take place on a bridge, there is nothing similar to the opening of MW2 and Killzone's bridge level.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I read something saying that "It doesn't matter its 60fps, that alone tops U2 and K2"

Well it does matter because the game is running in SUB HD, I am sure if U2 and KZ2 were running at SUB HD they would be running at 60FPS..

Not only that, if I could quote the gifs someone posted (I cant because the site is running slow) I would, I want people to see that.


BMaker11 said:

I can see "AGGH PS3 fans are the ones who think that KZ2 looks better" (even though it does). But check this out. Why is it only the devout 360 fans, who for the longest time have been looking for a game to topple KZ2 the only ones who think MW2 looks better? Look at the "middle ground" people, PS3 fans, multiconsole owners, and they all agree MW2 doesn't look as good as KZ2.

For reminders, GTAIV got a 10 in graphics and that KZ2 scored lower AFTERWARDS. Seriously? What if IGN scored the graphics lower for MW2? Would you still be on your high horse, or just because a number has been attached to it, you're going to gloat?

Well guess what, as someone already pointed out, IGN has 3 different scores for MW2 in graphics: 10, 9.5, and 9.0. KZ2? 10, 10, and 9.5. Add those up and see which number is higher. Nobody ever said that MW2 is a poor graphics game, just that it's not up there with KZ2. YOU give it a rest

Consideriing the environment KZ2 is rendering, it does a GREAT job.  It is 30 FPS, but still does a great job.  In the case of MW2, it is operating at 60FPS, and needs to render more diverse environments.  I am finding the hairsplitting here ABSURD.  Each game is trying to do different things, the same way Uncharted 2 is doing different things, and Forza and GT are trying to.  And then you have Borderlands, which is different.

So, does it matter if MW2 is 10 great on graphics or as low as the high 8s?  Do the graphics work for the game?  I would argue they do.  Other than, what else matters?  Do people SERIOUSLY think ranting on here, and preaching to the choir is going to matter all that much?  ONLY time just about I would want to see here matter, is to cause a game like VC to suddenly gett attention and sales, and warrent a sequel.  Or, to end up warning the masses of garbage stuff.  MW2, KZ2, and Among Thieves are NOT garbage, and are top of their respective classes for games.  Can we just leave it at that?

Skeeuk said:
lol@ ppl claming mw2 looks as good as killzone 2, i really dunno what to say about them apart from...........your wrong.

on a side note mw2 does indeed look incredible, i may be picking this up in the new year

Well, MW2 BLOWS away Killzone 2 in regards to graphics during split screen play.  That is because KZ2 DOESN'T HAVE ANY.  When you have an engine that doesn't need to worry about it, and you stick it in an environment like Helghan, then you can do tweaks to the game graphics and awesome effects you otherwise don't do.  Also throw in 30 FPS.

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dsister44 said:
klaudkil said:
dsister44 said:
klaudkil said:
what... everyone that says codmw2 on the console's looks better than kz2 on the ps3 NEEDS to buy a ps3 with killzone2 and play it!
what a dumpasses...mw2 is not near killzone2

I have Killzone 2. And the game's visuals are not that appealing. I can think of 10 just off the top of my head that I think look better

thn you should buy a hd tv  and play it again.. your just saying bullshit if you think killzone2 GRAPHICS! are not good... maybe the artstyl is not of you likeing but thats not what the starter of the topic is saying

I have my Ps3 connected to a 35 in TV with an HDMI cable. A much nicer TV then I have my 360 plugged into. Killzone 2 just looks ugly. There are more colors than grey, and black. Maybe somebody should tell Geurilla

Helghan sucks.  It is a horrible dustball.  GG did a great job rendering such a planet.

tedsteriscool said:

MW2 is a 9.
Killzone 2 is a 9.5
Uncharted 2 is a 10.
The end.

And why would this matter?  The only game of the 3 I can do split-screen local is MW2.  Are they graphics so bad this is undoable?  I don't think so.  Again, this is ABSURD how people are arguing that graphics of one game are 10 while another game is a 9.

MAFKKA said:
MW2 is a 8.5
Killzone 2 is a 9.0
Uncharted 2 is a 10
The end.

No!  They are all OVER 9000!

Akvod said:
Slimebeast said:
I think MW2 is the best looking shooter in this gen. And only Uncharted 2 can outmatch it in grafix.
Slimebeast said:
No contest. Bad Company 2.

And bear in mind it has bigger open areas with huge line of sight but still looks a lot better.

 Oh you kidder ;D

Oops... did I contradict myself?

Hyams said:
Just watched a friend playing it on 360.

It's not even close to Killzone 2.

If you think it is, go back and play Killzone 2 again, because clearly you've forgotten just how purdy it is.

What exactly on the planet Helghan is "purdy"?  The place is ugly.  You can talk about how awesome the tech in the KZ2 engine is, but there is little of Helghan that is pretty (purdy).   Well, unless you consider red/orange eyes of the Helghast beautiful.  If you are getting all romantic like this, you might as well watch the Killzone 2: Helghasts in Love Zone:

Wow, the graphics are better than the game!