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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you be happy with a Nintendo E3 exactly like TheSource predicted?

ya, i actually like downloaded games better, mostly because of NO DISKS TO SCRATCH!!

super mario sunshince and galaxy, and super smash bros brawl are being victems of scratched disks. sunshine is now unplayable, but the other two will still run sometimes.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

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I want Star Fox Wii to be announced. That's it. Zelda Wii is inevitible to be at year most likely. I can't see it being there this year due to Zelda: ST.

Mark my words, we will see F-zero and Disaster.

only zelda.

but was kinda expecting it.
they better put a good budget to it!

^I doubt Disaster will ever come out here. I would buy it if it came out though. It does look fun.

I want to try F-Zero, never played one, I'd like to get into the series with some awesome controls on the Wii. :D

I see Star Fox as having a slight higher chance to be there. It would make me so happy. 3 E3's were a bit disappointing due to it not being there. 4 years would be quite devistating for me.

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Yes I would be sortof happy, except I would be even happier of he said anything about "Resident Evil"

I do not have high hopes.But this is my prediction:
-New peripheral like the zapper,maybe a sword for a future Zelda game.
-Most of the Conference will focus on the sales of both the DS and Wii software and Hardware.
-Pikmin 3 announcement,although it will probably be unveil by a magazine before the actual conference.
-Trailers of future DS games such as Pokemon Golden Heart and Silver Soul. That are coming on spring.
-Trailers of Wii games such as Sin and Punishment 2.

Note:Pilotwings is really unlikely since there is no longer a Factor 5 same with Kid Icarus. I would say a Zelda Wii but most likely we will see the trailer next year since they probably want to focus more on the Zelda DS game.


OT:I would not be that happy with TheSource predictions since it does not include Pikmin 3.

Needs more Kirby.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

I want a Pilotwings game. I'm not silly enough to say that nintendo would "win" E3 based off a single announcement, but pilotwings + a few game reveals relevant to my interests would put them way above their showing last year. Then again pretty much anything would.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

no, i would want more games from them , like 4 big games. zelda,golden sun, f-zero, a new donkey kong platform game.