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I do not have high hopes.But this is my prediction:
-New peripheral like the zapper,maybe a sword for a future Zelda game.
-Most of the Conference will focus on the sales of both the DS and Wii software and Hardware.
-Pikmin 3 announcement,although it will probably be unveil by a magazine before the actual conference.
-Trailers of future DS games such as Pokemon Golden Heart and Silver Soul. That are coming on spring.
-Trailers of Wii games such as Sin and Punishment 2.

Note:Pilotwings is really unlikely since there is no longer a Factor 5 same with Kid Icarus. I would say a Zelda Wii but most likely we will see the trailer next year since they probably want to focus more on the Zelda DS game.


OT:I would not be that happy with TheSource predictions since it does not include Pikmin 3.