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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you be happy with a Nintendo E3 exactly like TheSource predicted?

These are TheSource's 'Likely' predictions for Nintendo's E3 taken from the front page article:

1)    Nintendo will unveil a Wii video streaming service, likely featuring esoteric infomercials or some other crazy kind of service for the western markets at E3.

2)   DSi and Wii Motion Plus games will be the major focus of the showing.

3)   High concept indie-Wii Ware games will be given a lot of attention in light of the success of games like Lost Winds and World of Goo. Swords & Soldiers on Wii Ware may be getting held back in the United States just so that Nintendo can show it off at E3.

4)   Nintendo will unveil one final motion technology based initiative on Wii.

5)  A trailer of Zelda Wii, using motion plus, will debut at the end of the conference with a release date of “Spring 2010”.

If Nintendo's E3 was like this with no other major announcements, would you be happy? Would it be 'better' than last year's E3?


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None of that is any good to me as a gamer except the last one.

That said, the last one (Zelda Wii) makes up for any and all failures at the last E3.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It would be better, but I wouldn't like it. Zelda Wii, sure, awesome, but nothing else for me? Come on...

maybe, depends if Miyamoto does some WM+ sword fighting.

I want more games.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Soleron said:

These are TheSource's 'Likely' predictions for Nintendo's E3 taken from the front page article:

1)    Nintendo will unveil a Wii video streaming service, likely featuring esoteric infomercials or some other crazy kind of service for the western markets at E3.

2)   DSi and Wii Motion Plus games will be the major focus of the showing.

3)   High concept indie-Wii Ware games will be given a lot of attention in light of the success of games like Lost Winds and World of Goo. Swords & Soldiers on Wii Ware may be getting held back in the United States just so that Nintendo can show it off at E3.

4)   Nintendo will unveil one final motion technology based initiative on Wii.

5)  A trailer of Zelda Wii, using motion plus, will debut at the end of the conference with a release date of “Spring 2010”.

If Nintendo's E3 was like this with no other major announcements, would you be happy? Would it be 'better' than last year's E3?


1) I don't care it won't be available in Poland anyway

2) I hate digital distribution

3) ok

4) I don't care

5) that basically would be only news worth seeing


I'd much rather see price cut.


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Nope, I wouldn't like it much. And the 4th point is clearly fake.

Honestly: They didn't show a single game since when? Autumn 2008? And no big, traditional game since E3 last year.

If the only interesting "big" Nintendo game at E3 was a Zelda Wii (which would be amazing of course) I'd be shocked. Two games, like Zelda and Pikmin 3 would be nice. But only if they show 3 big Wii games (like Zelda Wii, Pikmin 3 and Starfox or F-Zero) I'd be really pleased with their show.

It really depends on what the WM+ games they show are going to be. If it's just Tiger Woods, Tennis, WSR and Red Steel 2, then no, that wouldn't be enough to make me happy.

I would be surprised if they didn't reveal a lot more games at E3. Nintendo has thousands of developers, and I can assure you they haven't all been sitting around playing World of Warcraft during work hours.

It seems like a good time to spill the beans on some of those projects, or there will be backlash against Nintendo. And we know for a fact that Nintendo often has to respond to criticism, it's not just ignored as Internet buzz by them.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I'll put in my opinion now: I would be very disappointed; worse than last year since it would show that the intention then wasn't transient (that Nintendo decided that each studio would be better spent making Wii Series games than traditional ones).

And I don't like Zelda, so that would be no consolation. But showing off a single main-series Mario, Paper Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Pokémon, Star Fox, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, Mario Golf/Tennis/Kart, Luigi's Mansion, or Earthbound would be enough.