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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Turn-based RPG or Action RPG

i like games that let you do both

fallout 3 is a good example, shooter, or hit a button and its turn based

i like the choice

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

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I think Baldurs Gate has the best system. Dont really know what system it is though lol. Mix of both?


I prefer turn based.

What rpg had the best turn-based combat system?

I only love both. Can't choose. Just depends on how well the developer does it.

As much as I enjoy Kingdom Hearts, Tales of, and Star Ocean; I'm still having alot of fun with The Legend of Dragoon, Golden Sun and Suikoden at the moment.

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I like Mix of both like Grandia(the best battle system still) or Ar Tonelico

Turn based.

Have yet to play a action rpg wich I couldn't beat by smashing one button.

Action based is way to easy. wich means it's for sissies

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

I would have to say turned based just simply because that is what most of my RPG's are and my favorite series of all time Suikoden is. however some of the other series in my top five like Star Ocean and the Tales Series are Action RPG's

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)

Naum said:
Turn based.

Have yet to play a action rpg wich I couldn't beat by smashing one button.

Action based is way to easy. wich means it's for sissies

I halfway agree with this, ARPG's are fun but too easy with very little strategy evolve( Star Ocean and Tales)

Turn based