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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone2 Walkthrough (25 Minutes) ohhh damn.

Why would I buy a Wii if I was devoted to Sony? If there were games on it I had to have, I might buy a 360. Maybe, but only after they fix the RROD thing. I don't feel like playing it for a couple of weeks and then having to stop playing for a month while it's in the shop. I only know one guy with a 360, he currently owns virtually every system I ever heard of, plus japanese versions for a few of them. His 360 crashed like a week ago, he's had it less than a year, and he was buying games for it for about 3 months before he even bought a system. So yeah, it they fix that, I'd consider it.
Back to topic, I am totally buying this game because the environments, weapons, animations, and gameplay I have seen thus far are totally awesome. The original trailer might have been cool, but it had nothing to do with me wanting this game. If I get hold of it and the gameplay is atrocious, I'll come right out and say it, believe me.


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I don't get all of this BS about I hate this game for this just because it is on this system. I have came out and said it before, and I will say it again. I am a Sony fanboy. That does not mean I don't like GeOW, MP3, PGR, SMG, Fable, Mario Kart, and a lot of other games on the other systems. I won't be playing any of the Nintendo games, because IMO the wii is a bad finacil move. I do stil look at their games if they are good looking and think man that would be an awsome game for the PS3, PC, or 360. It is a bad move for anyone that is a gamer to bash games on other systems, when they are obviously a decent looking title. How do we expect games to be taken seriously as a media format if its biggest fans can not agree on a good game.

Plenty of you have probably seen 300, or played gears of war and thought they were awsome, but now that Sony is making somthing of the same atmosphere it is pale and boring. It is time all of us start to get along and appreciate games when they are at a level above the rest. Weather it be a nintendo game for fun and enlightenment, a MS game for gangstas and cool kids, or a Sony game for its Epic move like presentation, we need to give all the good games the credit they deserve. If you don't have any interest in one of these games don't bash it, just ignore it. If we all get together and celebrate good games we can help the industry a lot, I hope everyone can step back and try to put them brand behind them for the better of this industry.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


"300", a good movie ???

hum ...
it remember me people who say "transformers" was a good movie ...

Time to Work !

Questions that I want answered, and I hope some of you can:

1) What's the word on multiplayer for Killzone 2?
2) Is there co-op in this game?

The game is gorgeous, but it needs these two things to increase the replay value. So, does anyone know the goods or can point me to an article that talks about them?

Looks amazing.

It just sickens me that there are so many avatar-less haters in this thread. I'm not even going to give them the dignity of saying they're not a fanboy.



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ssj12 said:
epsilon72 said:
So - they have a filter that makes it (almost) monochromatic? They may think it makes it a more "cinematic" experience, but to me it just looks ugly.

 go watch movies like Flags of our Fathers, or Letters from Iwo Jima, or the beginning of Casno Royale. They are trying to make an artificial film grain. 

Heres something I've always found stupid about this sort of technique in FPS games (not just KZ2)

The game is a FIRST person shooter, that is you are seeing the world through the eyes of the character - not through a camera lens. Since this is the case, why try and approximate what a camera sees when you aren't really seeing the world through a camera? Wouldn't it make much more sense to try and approximate how the human eye sees things, thus making it a true FIRST PERSON experience?

A good example is how overdone lens flair was a few years ago, or even bloom today. Neither of these effects are present in the human eye the way they are implimented in games, so it seems kinda out of place in an FPS IMHO.

BTW, they aren't mimiking film grain

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

sieanr said:
ssj12 said:
epsilon72 said:
So - they have a filter that makes it (almost) monochromatic? They may think it makes it a more "cinematic" experience, but to me it just looks ugly.

go watch movies like Flags of our Fathers, or Letters from Iwo Jima, or the beginning of Casno Royale. They are trying to make an artificial film grain.

Heres something I've always found stupid about this sort of technique in FPS games (not just KZ2)

The game is a FIRST person shooter, that is you are seeing the world through the eyes of the character - not through a camera lens. Since this is the case, why try and approximate what a camera sees when you aren't really seeing the world through a camera? Wouldn't it make much more sense to try and approximate how the human eye sees things, thus making it a true FIRST PERSON experience?

A good example is how overdone lens flair was a few years ago, or even bloom today. Neither of these effects are present in the human eye the way they are implimented in games, so it seems kinda out of place in an FPS IMHO.

BTW, they aren't mimiking film grain

then i should have stuck with my first argument that its jsut due to all the smoke and dust in the air.


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marc said:
Looks good but oh what a laugh it will be if Killzone 2 becomes the systems best seller. What was it that Sony said about the XBox? Oh yea its only good for FPSers and look at what is selling on the PS3... Resistence and possibly KZ2. The situation is completely reversed right now. If you got a PS3 the only really good games are FPSers. Its just too funny how dumb their execs are. "Open mouth, insert foot" applies pretty well but yea KZ2 does look good based on the video but then again we all know that devs stretch the truth so we will have to wait and see.


Nice trool job, and ignorant as hell.


marc said:
Looks good but oh what a laugh it will be if Killzone 2 becomes the systems best seller. What was it that Sony said about the XBox? Oh yea its only good for FPSers and look at what is selling on the PS3... Resistence and possibly KZ2. The situation is completely reversed right now. If you got a PS3 the only really good games are FPSers. Its just too funny how dumb their execs are. "Open mouth, insert foot" applies pretty well but yea KZ2 does look good based on the video but then again we all know that devs stretch the truth so we will have to wait and see.

The only 1st party shooters the ps3 currently has is resistance, and I forgot another game... alot of 3rd parties like the Dness, and cod3, and more... I think the ps3 has or will have alot of variaty of games, heavenly sword action. Lair flying. Warhawk multiplayer. Uncharted adventure, and more. The REAL BIG PS3 EXCLUSIVES. Are FF XIII, MGS4,GT5,KZ2,and LBP.Those are games that no matter what will sell and move consoles.



When he turned on the lights, the game looked beautiful. Grey, but beautiful, well detailed. When he turned it off, I was thinking "Great, Doom 3 breeded and it's child is following in it's footsteps, only without demons".

Does anyone really like the fact you can clearly see the bullets? That always bothered me, things moving that fast shouldn't be that visible.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.