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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone2 Walkthrough (25 Minutes) ohhh damn.


Killzone2 is not Lair

Lair failed on 2 main point :

- lake of soul/identity/background
- special control

- Killzone2 seems ok in term of control
People ask about innovation but where was innovation in Gear of War ?
shot experience game ever ? cover system stolen to another game ?
CoD4 ? what's new about this game ? where is innovation ?
I dont know.

- background/soul/identity :
It is basically the main point on Killzone2 : it has "style"
Hellgast are just amazing and this grey atmosphere is very interesting
This lake of color is the same lake of color that u have in MGS4, and it is just a very good.

Overall there was always more doubt / less interest about Lair compared to Killzone2.

Time to Work !

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Well thread went fast. So how many of the own a PS3 ? you better answer, i got money on starcraft not owning one.

Since its Dull, has little story and more of the same fps hating.

libellule said:

Killzone2 is not Lair

Lair failed on 2 main point :

- lake of soul/identity/background
- special control

- Killzone2 seems ok in term of control
People ask about innovation but where was innovation in Gear of War ?
shot experience game ever ? cover system stolen to another game ?
CoD4 ? what's new about this game ? where is innovation ?
I dont know.

- background/soul/identity :
It is basically the main point on Killzone2 : it has "style"
Hellgast are just amazing and this grey atmosphere is very interesting
This lake of color is the same lake of color that u have in MGS4, and it is just a very good.

Overall there was always more doubt / less interest about Lair compared to Killzone2.

I never played GoW but I HEARD what it did.. it did it pretty effing well. Please don't tell me that Kilzone brings 'lighting' as the 'innovation'... And I still prefare MGS4's bright brown shade than KZ's f*cking dull grey. It's dul and depressing. What's the atmosphere there?!

"She can feel it changing her. It's becoming a part of her, corrupting her. But what frightens her most... she likes it!" - Effects of Phazon corruption.

Metroid Prime 3 Hype Level: Corrupted


1UP - 9.0 

IGN - 9.5

It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
"You'll never want to play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again - it's THAT good.". - Gametrailers
Killzone3 said:
Well thread went fast. So how many of the own a PS3 ? you better answer, i got money on starcraft not owning one.

Since its Dull, has little story and more of the same fps hating.

I don't own one, but how is that relevent? 

Please don't tell me that Kilzone brings 'lighting' as the 'innovation'...

==> I never stated this ...
for what we have seen, ligthing is just about visual lighting and It doesnt seem to be important for the gameplay (for the moment), it is just beautifull, only beautifull

And I still prefare MGS4's bright brown shade than KZ's f*cking dull grey. It's dul and depressing. What's the atmosphere there?!

==> that s a question of visual taste
personnaly, I'm ok with Killzone2 visual
I assume all the level will not be like this

Time to Work !

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thermal7 said:
Killzone3 said:
Well thread went fast. So how many of the own a PS3 ? you better answer, i got money on starcraft not owning one.

Since its Dull, has little story and more of the same fps hating.

I don't own one, but how is that relevent?

 i find that the same people are in every thread always bitching about something.

tk1989 said:
Well, i still stick with the fact that the original Killzone was very disappointing. The new "halo beater" it was meant to be, something it never aspired to. As a result of this, i dont see how Killzone 2 is seen as one of the PS3s main games, especially when the original wasnt actually that good. Ill admit it though, the graphics do look good, but then what games dont have good graphics these days?

Ill reserve judgement on it though until it is released, but good graphics doesnt = a good game. Look how Lair turned out... apparently it only got 5/10 in a PS3 magazine, and that was meant to be one of the PS3's big games.

 Here's what IGN has to say about the gameplay:

 "After the detailed breakdown was over, Mathijs surrendered the controller to IGN. This game plays well. From the moment we picked it up and began using it's double analog control scheme, everything felt natural. We blew away some guards, hurled a few grenades and tried out the brand new jump function. Jumping was left out of the original game in an effort to keep it based in reality, but even here it's being grounded -- you can't fire while in the air and can only leap over small obstacles."

So gameplay looks so far like it's shaping up to be very user-friendly and smooth.


Androo said:
thermal7 said:
I agree it shows off the power of the ps3, but to be honest it doesn't look that appealing.

It just looks so dull. Very muted colors and a whole lot of black. Plus the gameplay seems to be pretty repetitive. It looks like it would be run into room, find cover, duck out and shoot, kill all baddies and repeat. The bad guys or your team mates don't seem to move much. It all looks very static.

I think FPSes and particularly console ones have a battle against mediocrity. There are a number of efforts that can be made. Having a really interesting and involving story. Having a great variety of enemies. Having a great variety of levels/scenery. Having an original concept (Portal).

It seems like killzone has little story (you are on a special forces team, kill the bad guys), similar bad guys and levels (someone let me know if I am wrong about this). Having 500 lights or a level that takes up 2 gigs don't make a game fun or involving.

I have been playing games for a long time though, particularly FPSes so anything that smacks of more of the same is highly uninteresting. Maybe this isn't so to new gamers.


Seriously the game looks gorgeous. Truly an amazing graphical feat but why...WHY do they have to make it so dull? And don't give me the 'atmosphere' crap. The only atmosphere KZ2 evokes is depression. Not fun. Another game on the PS3 which looks FUN and with a HELL lot of atmosphere is Haze. It looks good and seems FUN.

Are the developers all colour-blind or something?

You saw the whole game? Wow yea the environment is dull right.

Basicly its just one leve of the game. Im pretty sure there will be forests, that look good and etc..


tk1989 said:
Well, i still stick with the fact that the original Killzone was very disappointing. The new "halo beater" it was meant to be, something it never aspired to. As a result of this, i dont see how Killzone 2 is seen as one of the PS3s main games, especially when the original wasnt actually that good. Ill admit it though, the graphics do look good, but then what games dont have good graphics these days?

Ill reserve judgement on it though until it is released, but good graphics doesnt = a good game. Look how Lair turned out... apparently it only got 5/10 in a PS3 magazine, and that was meant to be one of the PS3's big games.

Look I played killzone, let me tell you that the gameplay in killzone 2 is 100times more entertaining, killzone 1 was extreemly boring and dull. The story was good though.



The video in this thread is cool and shows some cool information as well as a grand scale of the map being played on as well as showing that there will be more environments in the game (using deferred rendering, the guy mentioned that they can dynamically change the feel of a level to match weather and stuff, he called the level the urban environment). People complain about how it looks, but you're on a planet that sports a very harsh atmosphere and environment (hence the hellghast adaptation to what they are now), the videos look representative of this situation.

The people complaining about it should just leave here. There is obviusly nothing for you here and since it's set in your mind that you don't like this game or the PS3, why even post here how much you think it looks "____"?