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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone2 Walkthrough (25 Minutes) ohhh damn.

leo-j said:
tk1989 said:
Well, i still stick with the fact that the original Killzone was very disappointing. The new "halo beater" it was meant to be, something it never aspired to. As a result of this, i dont see how Killzone 2 is seen as one of the PS3s main games, especially when the original wasnt actually that good. Ill admit it though, the graphics do look good, but then what games dont have good graphics these days?

Ill reserve judgement on it though until it is released, but good graphics doesnt = a good game. Look how Lair turned out... apparently it only got 5/10 in a PS3 magazine, and that was meant to be one of the PS3's big games.

Look I played killzone, let me tell you that the gameplay in killzone 2 is 100times more entertaining, killzone 1 was extreemly boring and dull. The story was good though.

 do you own Killzone 2? cos i dont see how you can make the assumption that its 100 times more entertaining without having actually played through it.


Im just trying to make a point. The game does look good from the video; I like the graphics, and it looks intense with constant action, but youve gotta remember that its meant to as they're promoting it! the point of my argument wasnt that it looks crap, but that i will wait until it is actually released before making the assumption that its good or not, especially because Killzone 1 was hyped and turned out to be pretty bland and boring.

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Androo said:
libellule said:

Killzone2 is not Lair

Lair failed on 2 main point :

- lake of soul/identity/background
- special control

- Killzone2 seems ok in term of control
People ask about innovation but where was innovation in Gear of War ?
shot experience game ever ? cover system stolen to another game ?
CoD4 ? what's new about this game ? where is innovation ?
I dont know.

- background/soul/identity :
It is basically the main point on Killzone2 : it has "style"
Hellgast are just amazing and this grey atmosphere is very interesting
This lake of color is the same lake of color that u have in MGS4, and it is just a very good.

Overall there was always more doubt / less interest about Lair compared to Killzone2.

I never played GoW but I HEARD what it did.. it did it pretty effing well. Please don't tell me that Kilzone brings 'lighting' as the 'innovation'... And I still prefare MGS4's bright brown shade than KZ's f*cking dull grey. It's dul and depressing. What's the atmosphere there?!

GoW = God of War
GeOW = Gears of War

Anyways, Gears brings nothing innovative, the blood splatter onto the screen can be traced back to SNES games, head blowing off from sniper shot = from their main franchise Unreal Tournament, chainsaw = Resident Evil. If Gears was made by another studio it would have sucked by in the great hands of Epic the game had great gameplay, thats what it did right.

You never played the first Killzone so its hard to explain, its the enemy's home planet. The were criminals outcasted by Earth to that planet. Its a horrid place with bad weather and has a horrid atmosphere. Their leader is an extremely smart scientist who created breathing tools for his people and eventually terraformed the planet. The fact that it's all gray is because of all the smoke in the atmosphere from the humans attacking the planet because Earth was attacked in the 1st game.

So gray = smoke, ash, and dust being blown around everywhere, and Gears = not innovative but good none the less.


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*raises his hand in regards to the question about owning a PS3* Seriously, I almost dropped one myself when I saw the gameplay video for this game at E3....I wasn't quite expecting the graphics to match up to what the original trailer looked like, but unless I'm mistaken, they actually look better, and part of it was the realistic death animations. I played the first one, but only for about ten minutes until I decided it sucked and sold it. I'm pretty sure at least five of those minutes were spent blowing myself up with my own cooked grenade and laughing at how I ragdolled around.
I'm totally getting this game when it comes out. The graphics are on a level I haven't seen before, and if what they said about the gameplay is right, then that game is getting SO bought. By me.


Androo said:
thermal7 said:
I agree it shows off the power of the ps3, but to be honest it doesn't look that appealing.

It just looks so dull. Very muted colors and a whole lot of black. Plus the gameplay seems to be pretty repetitive. It looks like it would be run into room, find cover, duck out and shoot, kill all baddies and repeat. The bad guys or your team mates don't seem to move much. It all looks very static.

I think FPSes and particularly console ones have a battle against mediocrity. There are a number of efforts that can be made. Having a really interesting and involving story. Having a great variety of enemies. Having a great variety of levels/scenery. Having an original concept (Portal).

It seems like killzone has little story (you are on a special forces team, kill the bad guys), similar bad guys and levels (someone let me know if I am wrong about this). Having 500 lights or a level that takes up 2 gigs don't make a game fun or involving.

I have been playing games for a long time though, particularly FPSes so anything that smacks of more of the same is highly uninteresting. Maybe this isn't so to new gamers.


Seriously the game looks gorgeous. Truly an amazing graphical feat but why...WHY do they have to make it so dull? And don't give me the 'atmosphere' crap. The only atmosphere KZ2 evokes is depression. Not fun. Another game on the PS3 which looks FUN and with a HELL lot of atmosphere is Haze. It looks good and seems FUN.

Are the developers all colour-blind or something?

 Sorry but this is still the alpha version, if you watched how the beta version will be:

Does this still look dull to you?

In fact I thought GEOW looked dull to but look how popular it was.


Is that picture even real? Is there anything else with that other than the picture? If there is any information, I'd like to read it.

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ballsonyourchin said:
This video looks great and wii fans can't help themselves but act retarded, it showed off the power of the PS3 very well, the lighting is truly next gen and the cover system looks great aswell.

Plus the first true cover system i ever saw was for a game called killswitch for the PS2, i'm pretty sure that was the name of it. I played a demo for it way back in the day.

I'd also like to know what CoD has that was not stolen from another game,

And we all know that the PS3 needs Blu-ray this has already been proven by having 360 games take multiple discs.

yes killswitch was one of the 1st games to really use a cover system.. everyone thinks gears of war was for some reason.. i guess because its so popular..



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I would imagine the people who think Gears of War had the first cover system would be the new casual gamers who bought a 360 because Halo 3 was being hyped and they thought Gears looked badass. And also hadn't played either any games or just PS2 games until 360 came out. I mean, personally, I think Killzone looks better than Bioshock, from what I've seen, or at least it more appeals to my taste. Most of the upgrades seem to amount to a seconday fire system you can use in conjunction with different weapons. If the story was a bit different, it could have just been adding mechanical flame throwers or liquid nitrogen or electricity guns you could graft onto yourself. Killzone just looks more fun to me from the gameplay I've seen from them both. Not to mention superior graphically, and lets face it, if I could play two games and they both played the exact same way, I'd go for the one with better graphics.


And no one can bash me for being a Sony fanboy. I also have a Wii, Twilight Princess, Resident Wii-vil, and I'm getting Metroid Prime 3 ASAP.


IllegalPaladin said:

The video in this thread is cool and shows some cool information as well as a grand scale of the map being played on as well as showing that there will be more environments in the game (using deferred rendering, the guy mentioned that they can dynamically change the feel of a level to match weather and stuff, he called the level the urban environment). People complain about how it looks, but you're on a planet that sports a very harsh atmosphere and environment (hence the hellghast adaptation to what they are now), the videos look representative of this situation.

The people complaining about it should just leave here. There is obviusly nothing for you here and since it's set in your mind that you don't like this game or the PS3, why even post here how much you think it looks "____"?

 It was my understanding that the purpose of a forum was to discuss differing opinions on games, and in this case a specific video.  Or is it now just opinions that are in line with your own?

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That depends on the intentions of the people making those opinions, doesn't it?