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Androo said:
thermal7 said:
I agree it shows off the power of the ps3, but to be honest it doesn't look that appealing.

It just looks so dull. Very muted colors and a whole lot of black. Plus the gameplay seems to be pretty repetitive. It looks like it would be run into room, find cover, duck out and shoot, kill all baddies and repeat. The bad guys or your team mates don't seem to move much. It all looks very static.

I think FPSes and particularly console ones have a battle against mediocrity. There are a number of efforts that can be made. Having a really interesting and involving story. Having a great variety of enemies. Having a great variety of levels/scenery. Having an original concept (Portal).

It seems like killzone has little story (you are on a special forces team, kill the bad guys), similar bad guys and levels (someone let me know if I am wrong about this). Having 500 lights or a level that takes up 2 gigs don't make a game fun or involving.

I have been playing games for a long time though, particularly FPSes so anything that smacks of more of the same is highly uninteresting. Maybe this isn't so to new gamers.


Seriously the game looks gorgeous. Truly an amazing graphical feat but why...WHY do they have to make it so dull? And don't give me the 'atmosphere' crap. The only atmosphere KZ2 evokes is depression. Not fun. Another game on the PS3 which looks FUN and with a HELL lot of atmosphere is Haze. It looks good and seems FUN.

Are the developers all colour-blind or something?

 Sorry but this is still the alpha version, if you watched how the beta version will be:

Does this still look dull to you?

In fact I thought GEOW looked dull to but look how popular it was.