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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone2 Walkthrough (25 Minutes) ohhh damn.

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starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Honestly what is with all this "stolen from COD and Gearsofwar" crap. I love Gearsofwar but some of you whiners are making a bad case acting like Gearsofwar introduced anything new, same with COD. GeOW "stole" the aiming system from RE4 and "stole" the cover system from Killswitch (which took the cover system from Winback). So please stop with the ignorance, it's getting pitiful.
Gears of war had great lighting but the color pallete was dull, the majority of the game was either grey, dark green or rust orange. This is apparently the same case with this KZ2 demo. Why?? because it sets the tone of the game!. Will you guys be happy if there were purple color suits with massive rainbows in the background of Killzone?? hows about a yellow and pink gun??
All these hypocritical opinions are ridiculous. "well the game play looks repetitive, all you do is cover go in a room and kill people" Isn't that what FPS games are all about?? What makes the "innovation" known was Halo any different than going to a place to shoot badguys?
Longstory short, you guys shouldn't make stupid assumptions and say stuff like "oh it's awful, the color is bland and the gameplay is repetitive!" , when they are showing a alpha demo based on ONE stage of the game. The planet the "ISA" guys are invading isn't that island in Farcry, there are no colorful palm trees and the whole place is covered with a dark cloud. Use your freakin head people Darkcloud + overhead = NOT colorful. simple as that



EDIT: For those still complaining about the colors in this game, watch the video 5-6 minutes in when he takes off the Post processing and weather effects/shadows. 

Lol, i dont think a single person here stated that gears of war or COD had anything new in them gameplaywise. All thats been stated is that Killzone 2 uses gameplay mechanisms that were also found in these two games

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Apostrovich said:
And no one can bash me for being a Sony fanboy. I also have a Wii, Twilight Princess, Resident Wii-vil, and I'm getting Metroid Prime 3 ASAP.

 I haven't really been paying attention to the discussion, but I would like to point this out:

Owning more than one console, even liking both consoles does not make you exempt from fanboyism.

There's plenty of people that going on flaming rants, and then proceed to say "Oh by the way, you cannot refute anything I say, because I own all three consoles, therefore I am not a fanboy."

That argument does not work, you're either acting like a fanboy or you're not.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

starcraft said:
Lol, i dont think a single person here stated that gears of war or COD had anything new in them gameplaywise. All thats been stated is that Killzone 2 uses gameplay mechanisms that were also found in these two games

If thats your case then why even bother stating it??? GeOW had a cover system, killzone 2 has one. COD is a FPS, so is Killzone2. What is the point of pointing out the obvious??? The reason why you pointed it out in your first post, was clearly as an argument to imply that you are not impressed b/c it's been done before. But if you base your opinions on games from what aspects they've taken off of another on, then you would also be unimpressed with any FPS game after Mazewars and any game with a cover system after space invaders.


It's easy for you to point out and say "OH LOOK THEY COPIED FROM GEARS OF WAR!" but if I told you that guerilla games implemented a cover system (the same cover system KZ2 is based of off) in Killzone: liberation which happened to come out BEOFRE gearsOfwar, what would your arguement be??? please reply to it.

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So - they have a filter that makes it (almost) monochromatic? They may think it makes it a more "cinematic" experience, but to me it just looks ugly.

epsilon72 said:
So - they have a filter that makes it (almost) monochromatic? They may think it makes it a more "cinematic" experience, but to me it just looks ugly.

 go watch movies like Flags of our Fathers, or Letters from Iwo Jima, or the beginning of Casno Royale. They are trying to make an artificial film grain. 

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Anyone trying to knock this game is clearly showing their bias and fanboyist mentality. That's about all that needs to be said. 

Seriously this is still the alpha build, TGS is where they will show the Beta.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Looks good but oh what a laugh it will be if Killzone 2 becomes the systems best seller. What was it that Sony said about the XBox? Oh yea its only good for FPSers and look at what is selling on the PS3... Resistence and possibly KZ2. The situation is completely reversed right now. If you got a PS3 the only really good games are FPSers. Its just too funny how dumb their execs are. "Open mouth, insert foot" applies pretty well but yea KZ2 does look good based on the video but then again we all know that devs stretch the truth so we will have to wait and see.