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Honestly what is with all this "stolen from COD and Gearsofwar" crap. I love Gearsofwar but some of you whiners are making a bad case acting like Gearsofwar introduced anything new, same with COD. GeOW "stole" the aiming system from RE4 and "stole" the cover system from Killswitch (which took the cover system from Winback). So please stop with the ignorance, it's getting pitiful.
Gears of war had great lighting but the color pallete was dull, the majority of the game was either grey, dark green or rust orange. This is apparently the same case with this KZ2 demo. Why?? because it sets the tone of the game!. Will you guys be happy if there were purple color suits with massive rainbows in the background of Killzone?? hows about a yellow and pink gun??
All these hypocritical opinions are ridiculous. "well the game play looks repetitive, all you do is cover go in a room and kill people" Isn't that what FPS games are all about?? What makes the "innovation" known was Halo any different than going to a place to shoot badguys?
Longstory short, you guys shouldn't make stupid assumptions and say stuff like "oh it's awful, the color is bland and the gameplay is repetitive!" , when they are showing a alpha demo based on ONE stage of the game. The planet the "ISA" guys are invading isn't that island in Farcry, there are no colorful palm trees and the whole place is covered with a dark cloud. Use your freakin head people Darkcloud + overhead = NOT colorful. simple as that



EDIT: For those still complaining about the colors in this game, watch the video 5-6 minutes in when he takes off the Post processing and weather effects/shadows.