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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rant: Is Nintendo being honest with consumer?

My mom fell in love with the DS. She really likes brain age but has fallen in love with Picross. I really think its cute that she has become a "hardcore" games, though my dad calls he DS the Divorce System. Luckily i know it is a phase that she is going through and one day she will grow up and live a game free life.

Anyway, back to the point, Nintendo has always stated that their systems are mainly meant to be fun for all ages. Are they inflating the benefits of some of their games, well definitely. But they are at least pretending to base it on well established theory. It was a very strong marketing strategy and it paid off.

I don't however think that there are hundreds of thousands of older people out there torturing themselves on daily basis by putting themselves through the sheer agony of switching on their DS and having to endure those crucially painfull games with that teriffying asian floating head, just because they have a fear one day they may actually get Alzimheimers.


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playing the DS is definitely better than watching the TV, let us put it that way.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Yeah Picross is good too to stay sharp along with these Brain titles. Japanese people are using DS to learn history, foreign languages, foods, math, etc. Take a look at's best selling list -- educational titles everywhere. It's a good learning device.

> BenKenobi88
haha I LOLed.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

They are correct in that it is A way to keep the mind sharp, and MAY as a result help ward off or at least minimize the effect of Alzheimers* (please understand science is all about the uncertainty). It is NOT the ONLY way to do this - other puzzle activities would work (whether better, worse, or the same would vary with which puzzles, how much, how often), but I would say BA (and BBA) are fun ways to do it.

As long as you remember to charge the battery.

*Just because I don't know you - is there a history of AD in your family for your mom to be worried? I know many people who confuse just the normal mental problems of age with AD, but they're not the same. Either way such mental exercizes can help, but I don't want her to stress over something she doesn't have to.

Legend11, are you turning into Jack Thompson now? You're pulling stuff out of thin air. Nintendo has never made any claims that the their games will make you cure any illness or make you lose weight.

Any movement you make burns calories, the more movement you make, the more calories you burn. Wii Sports will burn more calories than Gears of War or Lair. Wii Fit is not intended to replace normal excercize, but it can make excercize fun. Wii Fit will burn more calories than conventional gaming,

Why don't you give Nintendo respect now? Nintendo is more concerned about consumer safety then Sony and MS are. Everytime you turn the Wii on it tells you to read the Safety manual. All Wii games tell you to attach the strap. Why do companies have to tell people everything? Are we idiots? Are you going to sue them if you don't lose weight by playing Wii Fit? You're going to look like those people that sued McDonald's for getting them fat.

I think Square Enix is being deceptive. They told me it was Final Fantasy, but I'm waiting for Final Fantasy is up with that?

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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I have heard that the wii can save your life in another forum post. So can the wii make you fit and healthy? Yes is the short answer, and can the ds keep your brain healthy? All signs point to yes.

The question should now be what cant the wii and the ds do? I am just now waiting for the ds and or the wii to rescue someone from a burning building. hehe.

pretty sure there's a fire fighter game being developed lol.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I can't wait till stupid people start suing Nintendo because they didn't loose weight playing WiiFit. I really wish life had an IQ test sometimes. z0mg! Feeding my kids McDonalds everyday makes them obese! I'm going to sue McDonalds because they didn't tell me this!

To cash in my CC rewards points for $300 in Circuit City gift cards to purchase a 360 or not: That is the question.

Yeah sorry about the rant from earlier today, I guess if my mom has fun with the game that is all that matters and if it does indeed help people, it's a bonus. I'll be picking up a DS and Brain Age this week, possibly tonight :)

Legend11 said:
Yeah sorry about the rant from earlier today, I guess if my mom has fun with the game that is all that matters and if it does indeed help people, it's a bonus. I'll be picking up a DS and Brain Age this week, possibly tonight :)

 No prob Legend. But do me a favour. Whether or not you get Brain Age, get clubhouse games! THAT is a game your mom will love. 

Infact as I type this, my mom is sitting beside me playing bowling. It comes with 42 card, table and other parlour games and it's one hundred percent parent addicting. I got it so my parents could try a game on my DS, within 2 weeks my mom suggested I get a second DS for dad on fathers day, so we could play games together (single card multi!) Now my dad playes solitaire and chinese checkers, and my mom loved grid attack, billiards and bowling. We also play games together all the time. Currently my mom's best friend and my older sister and her partner are now thinking of getting DS's just for that game.

Your mom will love it, and more importantly, you will actually enjoy playing it with her. Playing videogames with your mom? Now THAT is cool 

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.