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Forums - Sony Discussion - It's official. Worldwide LBP delay. :'(

Staude said:

dude. It was a guy who wrote a letter to sony. He said he found it offensive.

Can't be arsed to explain.. read this:

They were very polite people from what I read:

"Certain Arabic hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention.
We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online update, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it."

"We hope you act immediately to avoid any confusion and unnecessary controversy, and we thank you for making such an amazing game."

They even asked it to be removed through an online update.
I do not see anyone "going nuts" over this, nor would I call them crazy.

Oh, and thanks for the link.

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Like many of you, we're wondering if Sony's response to the song "Tapha Niang," included in the LittleBigPlanet soundtrack is a little harsh. Toumani Diabaté and the Symmetric Orchestra is known for combining the traditional music of Mali with other internation styles, like jazz, blues and flamenco. The international sound would be appropraite for a game like LittleBigPlanet, which takes players on a virtual journey around the globe. Diabaté won a Grammy award in 2006, the same year "Tapha Niang" was released.

His MySpace page has the entire song available to listen to, and has a DRM-free version available to purchase. (iTunes users can listen to/purchase the song here.) It's surprising that a song, which has been available for over two years, is only now receiving controversial attention for its inclusion in Sony's blockbuster PS3 game. Perhaps if Sony didn't delay this game, this matter wouldn't have exploded to such incredible proportions?

Time to Work !

Staude said:
Simulacrum said:


I posted a video of destroying metal gear in the other thread as a reply to this :P

in either case...



not much to do.. but i really wanted to use that picture since i'd already uploaded it for something else but i forgot to use it XD

Ya I saw that..But...





Take my love, take my land..

Guys in case u havent been informed the game got delayed 1 week only,


DMeisterJ said:

LittleBigPlanet Release Update

+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologize for any offense that this may have caused.

We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible. We’ll report back as soon as we have another update.


That's not too bad, I suppose.



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Its just a wkk GUYS...not 3 WEEKS as previously mentioned

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

twesterm said:

This could just be me being ignorant, but why is it not OK to write or play the words in the song but it's alright to write them here or send them in an email?

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just trying to understand.


Would it make more sense to know the context of the whole song?


i want to know what is the song about too. :)

the problem is "mixing between Kor'an and music" ,we don't do that,

u can qoute Kor'an when ever u want

As an atheist I am very offended by this :(.

This is a shame that a certain group can dictate to others what can be allowed. Clearly in this case the Music was out there for years before it was used in LBP so I can't see Sony doing this unless they feared it could have been used by some Radicals within that offended group to cause chaos and death.

Resistance never got recalled for shooting in a Church no matter how much it was protested. This also is a Islamic law they are bending to. If we all bent to Religious Law Chritianity wouldn't even exist. Point being the Law is there for Muslims to follow not the rest of the world... I wouldn't expect a Muslim to adhere to a Jewish law.

Just sad that we will not know if this is done as a true jesture of religous integrety on the part of Sony and Media Molecule, or the fear of a violent outburst. That is what would trouble me Most if I was an Islamic leader...not 2 verses of the Qu'ran being used in a song.

NNN2004 said:
after all its not a big delay like 2 months or more .. its only 9 days.


Any delay is bad, this close to launch. The amount of time makes very little difference. 9 days is pretty big, considering it puts you directly up against a game like Fallout 3, which is on the PS3(and will also probably garner considerable hype the closer to launch we get), unlike Fable 2. Also, all the advertising, ect, all have to be redone, and in many cases, preorder money refunded, which also means that some of that preorder money won't translate into sales.

Basically, yeah, a month+ delay would be megaton terrible, 9 days is less terrible, but there is a base level of terrible that any delay garners this close to launch.

While us gamers are happy it's only 9 days and we get to play it relative soon, from a marketing perspective, this is still quite unfortunate. Another unfortunate side effect of making first party games, is when you have to recall them, you take the entire loss.

Spot of bad luck for Sony and LBP.


The truth is, LBP is in climax hype mode. This level of hype can't possibly last until the game launches. It's a monkey wrench in the perfect hype machine, and the first true mistake the game has made. It's a derailment of the hype train, and the launch will now be anti-climatic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.