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NNN2004 said:
after all its not a big delay like 2 months or more .. its only 9 days.


Any delay is bad, this close to launch. The amount of time makes very little difference. 9 days is pretty big, considering it puts you directly up against a game like Fallout 3, which is on the PS3(and will also probably garner considerable hype the closer to launch we get), unlike Fable 2. Also, all the advertising, ect, all have to be redone, and in many cases, preorder money refunded, which also means that some of that preorder money won't translate into sales.

Basically, yeah, a month+ delay would be megaton terrible, 9 days is less terrible, but there is a base level of terrible that any delay garners this close to launch.

While us gamers are happy it's only 9 days and we get to play it relative soon, from a marketing perspective, this is still quite unfortunate. Another unfortunate side effect of making first party games, is when you have to recall them, you take the entire loss.

Spot of bad luck for Sony and LBP.


The truth is, LBP is in climax hype mode. This level of hype can't possibly last until the game launches. It's a monkey wrench in the perfect hype machine, and the first true mistake the game has made. It's a derailment of the hype train, and the launch will now be anti-climatic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.